Series THE GOD OF LOVE AND JUSTICE with Pastor Mark Finley |
Lesson 1.God Loves Freely |
The Immeasurable and Unconditional Love of God |
God’s love is the foundation of our faith and our relationship with Him. But what does it mean that God loves us freely, regardless of our actions or our worthiness? Lesson 1 guides us through various aspects of this amazing truth: God’s unwavering faithfulness to His people despite their unfaithfulness, His invitation to a love that is not coerced, and the ultimate revelation of His love on the cross. This lesson invites us to reflect on the depth and breadth of God’s free and unmerited love—and how we can respond to this love in our lives.
Memory Text: Hosea 14:4 – “ ‘I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely, for My anger has turned away from him’ ”
1.1 Beyond Reasonable Expectations
Beyond Deserved: God’s Love and Grace Without Limits
God’s love is boundless and undeserved. Although the Israelites betrayed God by worshiping the golden calf after their liberation from Egypt, God remained faithful to them. This faithfulness is evident in Exodus 33:19, where God declares that His grace and mercy will be freely given, even when they are not deserved. This statement does not illustrate arbitrariness but God’s sovereign decision to bestow love and compassion even on the unworthy. The story shows that God’s love exceeds all reasonable expectations. This is a comforting message for us all: God’s love and grace are greater than our faults.
1.2 Unrequited Love
Despite Unfaithfulness: God’s Voluntary and Unwavering Love
The story of Hosea is a vivid depiction of God’s unmerited and unwavering love. Despite Israel’s repeated unfaithfulness, God demonstrates through Hosea’s relationship with his unfaithful wife that His love is freely and voluntarily given, regardless of human unworthiness. Hosea 14:1–4 reveals God’s willingness to offer healing and love even when the relationship seems irreparable. The term “freely” in “I will love them freely” emphasizes that God’s love is voluntary and without coercion. This love is not only a divine gift but also a call to repentance. This image of a faithful lover who loves despite rejection shows God’s deep longing for a relationship with us and changes how we can perceive His grace and faithfulness.
1.3 Love Freely Given
Out of Free Will: God’s Boundless and Undeserved Love
God’s love is an undeserved and voluntary gift that depends neither on our worthiness nor on a need of God. Although God did not need creation, He chose out of pure love to create the world and engage in a relationship with us. Revelation 4:11 and Psalm 33:6 demonstrate that God created out of His free will and is therefore worthy of all honor and worship. Even after the fall in Eden, God continued His love and upheld creation in His grace. This voluntary love reveals God’s unchanging character and His willingness to reconcile a lost humanity. This truth should inspire us to love Him wholeheartedly and follow His ways.
1.4 Many Are Called, but Few Are Chosen
God’s Invitation: Many Called, Few Willing
God’s invitation to the wedding feast in Christ’s parable reveals His love and the free will He gives to each person. God calls everyone, but not everyone responds. Matthew 22:1–14 shows that the “Chosen Ones” are those who accept God’s invitation and prepare for the wedding by wearing the king’s wedding garment—a symbol of accepting God’s grace and righteousness. God’s love is universal, but He does not force anyone to reciprocate it. The freedom to accept or decline God’s invitation is crucial because true love can never be coerced. The question remains: Are we willing to accept God’s invitation and live in His love?
1.5 Crucified for Us
The Ultimate Sacrifice: God’s Love Revealed on the Cross
On the cross, God’s immeasurable love is revealed, surpassing all human understanding. Jesus Christ willingly gave His life to pay for the sins of humanity and to heal the broken relationship between heaven and earth. Although many, as described in Matthew 23:37, were not willing to accept God’s invitation, Christ still went to the cross—for them and for us. John 10:17-18 and Galatians 2:20 illustrate that this sacrifice was made out of His free will as part of a plan established before the foundation of the world. This act shows that God’s love is not only saving but also intentional and selfless. The cross is an eternal testimony to God’s unmerited, free love for all of us.
1.6 Summary
The Essence of Divine Love: Faithfulness, Freedom, and Invitation
God’s love is a gift that is given freely and without condition. In the history of Israel, in the parable of the wedding banquet, and ultimately on the cross, God demonstrates that His love is independent of human worthiness or performance. Despite repeated unfaithfulness, God remains faithful and continues to invite us into a relationship with Him. His love is not forced but is based on His free will and unchanging nature. The cross is the ultimate expression of this love, as Christ willingly gave His life to save us. Lesson 1 reminds us that God’s love not only seeks us but also invites us to freely reciprocate it.
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