11 min 4 mths

1.5 The Gospel According to Jesus
The Gospel According to Jesus: Fulfillment, Kingdom, and Call to Repentance
Read Mark 1:14–15. What three components made up Jesus’ gospel message?
Mark summarizes Jesus’ simple and direct message in three essential parts:
  1. Prophecy of Time: “The time is fulfilled.”
  2. Covenant Promise: “The kingdom of God is near.”
  3. Call to Follow: “Repent and believe in the gospel.”
These three parts of Jesus’ gospel message are deeply rooted in Old Testament prophecies and hold immense significance for our understanding of the New Testament and our faith life.
  1. Prophecy of Time: “The time is fulfilled.”
    • Biblical Foundation: Jesus refers to the 70-week prophecy in Daniel 9:24–27. This prophecy predicts the coming of the Messiah and finds its fulfillment in the baptism of Jesus, where he is anointed with the Holy Spirit and begins his ministry (Acts 10:38).
    • Historical Fulfillment: The 70-week prophecy began in 457 BC with Artaxerxes’ decree to restore Jerusalem (Ezra 7). The 69 weeks extended to AD 27, the year Jesus was baptized. Jesus’ crucifixion occurred three and a half years later, and the 70th week was completed in AD 34 with the stoning of Stephen when the gospel was preached to both Gentiles and Jews.
    • Significance: This fulfilled prophecy shows God’s precise planning and faithfulness. It confirms that Jesus is the promised Messiah and that God’s plan of salvation unfolded exactly at the right time.
  2. Covenant Promise: “The kingdom of God is near.”
    • Biblical Foundation: The kingdom of God is a central theme in Jesus’ ministry. It refers to God’s rule over the hearts and lives of people and the future fulfillment of His kingdom.
    • Significance: Jesus announces that with his coming, the kingdom of God is near. This means that God’s rule and His plan of salvation are now active in the world, calling people to become part of this kingdom.
  3. Call to Follow: “Repent and believe in the gospel.”
    • Biblical Foundation: Repentance and faith are fundamental aspects of Jesus’ message. Repentance means recognizing sin and turning away from it, while faith involves a complete act of trust in Jesus and his works of salvation.
    • Significance: Jesus calls people to change their hearts (repentance) and trust in him (faith). This is the way to enter the kingdom of God and be part of His plan of salvation.
When was the last time you engaged with the 70-week prophecy? How can knowing this prophecy help strengthen your faith, not only in Jesus but also in the trustworthiness of prophetic words?
Introduction to the 70-Week Prophecy: The 70-week prophecy from Daniel 9:24-27 is one of the most remarkable and precise prophecies in the Bible. It was given to predict the arrival of the Messiah and provides a clear timeline for important events in God’s plan of salvation. This prophecy began in 457 BC with Artaxerxes’ decree to restore Jerusalem and spanned 490 years (70 weeks of 7 years).
Importance of the 70-Week Prophecy:
  1. Fulfillment in Jesus Christ:
    • Historical Accuracy: The 69 weeks end in AD 27 when Jesus was baptized and anointed with the Holy Spirit, marking the beginning of his public ministry. This shows the precision and reliability of biblical prophecy.
    • Crucifixion and Salvation: Three and a half years later, in the middle of the 70th week, Jesus was crucified, bringing reconciliation and salvation to humanity.
  2. Trustworthiness of Prophetic Words:
    • Divine Precision: The exact fulfillment of this prophecy strengthens our trust in the Bible as God’s inspired word. If God can predict and fulfill such details, we can be assured that His other promises are also true.
    • Confirmation of the Messiah: The prophecy confirms Jesus as the promised Messiah. This strengthens our faith in him as our Savior and Lord.
Reflection and Personal Application: When was the last time you engaged with the 70-week prophecy? Perhaps you explored this prophecy in a Bible study, sermon, or personal study. If not, this could be a good opportunity to revisit and delve into the depths of this prophecy.
How can knowing this prophecy help strengthen your faith?
  1. Trust in God’s Plan:
    • Strengthening Faith: Knowing this prophecy and its fulfillment in Jesus shows that God’s plans are precise and reliable. This can encourage us to have more trust in God’s guidance in our own lives.
    • Steadfastness in Times of Crisis: In times of uncertainty, we can remember that God is in control and that His plans will always come to fruition. This gives us hope and confidence.
  2. Deepening Faith:
    • Jesus as the Focus: The prophecy directs our focus to Jesus and his sacrifice. It encourages us to seek a deeper relationship with him and appreciate his role as our Savior.
    • Faith Testimony: The precise fulfillment of the prophecy can help us share our faith with others. It serves as a powerful testimony to the truth of the Bible and the divinity of Jesus.
  3. Inspiration and Commitment:
    • Daily Life: The knowledge of the prophecy’s fulfillment motivates us to live our lives in accordance with God’s will. It reminds us that we are part of God’s great plan and should fulfill our calling with dedication and trust.
    • Mission and Service: The prophecy inspires us to share the gospel message. It shows us that God has guided people throughout the ages and that we are also called to be a light in the world.

  1. Prophecy of Time: “The time is fulfilled.”
    • Biblical Foundation: Jesus refers to the 70-week prophecy in Daniel 9:24–27. This prophecy predicts the coming of the Messiah and finds its fulfillment in the baptism of Jesus, where he is anointed with the Holy Spirit and begins his ministry (Acts 10:38).
    • Historical Fulfillment: The 70-week prophecy began in 457 BC with Artaxerxes’ decree to restore Jerusalem (Ezra 7). The 69 weeks extended to AD 27, the year Jesus was baptized. Jesus’ crucifixion occurred three and a half years later, and the 70th week was completed in AD 34 with the stoning of Stephen when the gospel was preached to both Gentiles and Jews.
    • Significance: This fulfilled prophecy shows God’s precise planning and faithfulness. It confirms that Jesus is the promised Messiah and that God’s plan of salvation unfolded exactly at the right time.
Connection with our daily life and faith:
  • Trust in God’s Timing: The fulfillment of the time prophecy teaches us that God’s timing is perfect. In our daily lives, we can trust that God is in control and that He will intervene at the right time. This gives us patience and confidence in times of waiting and uncertainty.
  • Strengthening Faith: The precision of biblical prophecy and its fulfillment strengthen our faith in the trustworthiness of the Bible. This encourages us to read the Bible regularly and trust that God’s promises will also come true in our lives.
  1. Covenant Promise: “The kingdom of God is near.”
    • Biblical Foundation: The kingdom of God is a central theme in Jesus’ ministry. It refers to God’s rule over the hearts and lives of people and the future fulfillment of His kingdom.
    • Significance: Jesus announces that with his coming, the kingdom of God is near. This means that God’s rule and His plan of salvation are now active in the world, calling people to become part of this kingdom.
Connection with our daily life and faith:
  • Living in the Here and Now: Knowing that the kingdom of God is already near encourages us to live our daily lives in accordance with God’s values and principles. It reminds us that as Christians, we are called to bring God’s love, justice, and mercy into the world.
  • Future Hope: Although we live in a fallen world, the promise of the coming kingdom of God gives us hope and confidence. We can look forward to the day when God’s kingdom will be fully realized, and this gives us strength and motivation to remain steadfast in faith even in difficult times.
  1. Call to Follow: “Repent and believe in the gospel.”
    • Biblical Foundation: Repentance and faith are fundamental aspects of Jesus’ message. Repentance means recognizing sin and turning away from it, while faith involves a complete act of trust in Jesus and his works of salvation.
    • Significance: Jesus calls people to change their hearts (repentance) and trust in him (faith). This is the way to enter the kingdom of God and be part of His plan of salvation.
Connection with our daily life and faith:
  • Daily Repentance: The call to repentance reminds us that turning away from sin is an ongoing process. In our daily lives, this means continually examining our thoughts, words, and actions and turning back to God. This helps us stay pure and sincere in our relationship with God and others.
  • Trust and Faith: Believing in the gospel means placing our full trust in Jesus. This gives us security and peace, even in uncertain times. It reminds us that through faith, we have access to God’s grace and forgiveness.
  • Missionary Zeal: The call to follow motivates us to share the gospel message. It is our duty to encourage others to repent and believe in Jesus. This can be done through our personal testimony, our actions, and our words.
Summary: The gospel message of Jesus, consisting of the fulfillment of the time prophecy, the promise of the kingdom of God, and the call to repentance and faith, has profound implications for our daily lives and faith. It reminds us that God’s plan is perfect, that we live in the presence of His kingdom, and that repentance and faith are the path to salvation. These truths should shape our lives, strengthen our trust, and motivate us to share the message of Jesus with others.

The gospel message of Jesus—the fulfillment of time, the nearness of God’s kingdom, and the call to repentance and faith—reminds us that we are part of God’s great plan. It encourages us to live according to His principles in our daily lives and to share His saving love with others.

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