8 min 4 mths

Lesson 12.Earth’s Closing Events 
Faithfulness, Outpouring of the Spirit, and the Ultimate Call 
In Lesson 12, we will delve into an extremely important topic: the last events of the Earth. The prophecy of the Bible gives us insight into the end-time events that will unfold in the near future. It is crucial that we understand these events as they will have a direct impact on our faith and daily lives. The Revelation of John, especially chapters 13 and 14, provides us with a detailed view of the events that will occur in the last days of humanity. We will closely examine the signs of the times and understand how we can personally prepare for them. The world as we know it is rapidly approaching a pivotal moment, and it is of utmost importance that we, as a believing community, remain vigilant and correctly interpret the signs of the times. Let us, therefore, together delve into the depths of the Holy Scriptures to understand the last events of the Earth and prepare ourselves accordingly.

12.1 Loyalty to God and His Word
The Power of Biblical Truth in the Great Controversy
Read Proverbs 23:2 and John 8:32; 17:17. What do these verses have in common?
The verses Proverbs 23:2 and John 8:32; 17:17 all share a common focus on truth. In Proverbs 23:2, it says: “When you sit to dine with a ruler, note well what is before you.” This verse warns against being seduced by false promises or deceptions.
John 8:32 says: “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Here, Jesus emphasizes the importance of truth in attaining freedom.
In John 17:17, Jesus says in His prayer: “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” Here, it is made clear that God’s Word is the source of truth, bringing salvation and redemption.
These verses teach us that faithfulness to God and His Word means recognizing and accepting the truth to be liberated from the deceptions of Satan. God’s Word is the source of truth that guards us against deception and guides us in His will.
Read 2 Peter 1:16–21. What assurance does the apostle give us regarding prophecy? What illustration does he use to demonstrate the importance of God’s prophetic word?
The apostle assures us in 2 Peter 1:16–21 that the prophecy in God’s Word is reliable and illuminates the path before us. He emphasizes that they are not “cleverly devised stories” but divine revelation. The illustration he uses to demonstrate the importance of God’s prophetic word is that of light shining in a dark place. Just as a light in darkness shows us the way, God’s prophetic word guides us and helps us distinguish between truth and error. Without the Bible, we would be subject to the whims of human opinions and could easily be deceived. The Holy Scripture is our protection against the influence of false teachings and the deceptive power of the spirits of darkness. Satan will use every means to prevent us from gaining knowledge of the Bible because the clear statements of the Bible expose his deceptions.
The final great deception will soon be revealed. The Antichrist will perform his great deeds before our eyes, and the counterfeit will be so similar to the genuine that only through the Holy Scripture will distinction be possible. In this final great confrontation, only those whose spirits are strengthened by the truths of the Bible will remain steadfast. Each of us must ask ourselves, “Should I obey God rather than men?” The hour of decision is approaching. Are we firmly standing on the rock of God’s unchanging Word? Are we prepared to take a clear stand for God’s commandments and the faith of Jesus?
Reflect on the questions in the above quote. What will enable us to endure in the last crisis? What prevents us from studying the Word of God? Where are we in danger of compromising truth for personal pleasure?
In the last crisis, our steadfastness will enable us to endure, based on the study and acceptance of the Word of God. Only through a deep understanding and a personal relationship with God’s Word will we be able to resist the deceptions and temptations of the last days.
Various factors can prevent us from studying the Word of God. The most common include lack of time, distractions by worldly affairs, lack of prioritization, and even spiritual lethargy. Sometimes, false teachings or misinterpretations of the Word hinder us from truly understanding and appreciating the Bible.
We compromise truth for personal pleasure when we allow ourselves to be tempted to distort or interpret God’s Word to suit our own desires and preferences, rather than submitting to divine truth. When we selectively interpret the Bible to justify our own behavior, we risk deviating from the truth and deceiving ourselves.

The connection between our daily life and our faith is evident in these lessons. Faithfulness to God and His Word, as well as the power of biblical truth in the Great Controversy, have immediate implications for our daily lives:
  1. Steadfastness in the last crisis: Our steadfastness in the last crisis is enabled by our understanding and acceptance of the Word of God. A solid knowledge of Scripture and a personal relationship with God through His Word will enable us to resist the temptations and deceptions of the last days. This means that our daily life is strongly influenced by our relationship with the Bible and our faith.
  2. Obstacles to studying the Word of God: Our daily life may prevent us from studying the Word of God. Lack of time, distractions by worldly affairs, lack of prioritization, and spiritual lethargy are common obstacles. Also, false teachings or misinterpretations of the Word can prevent us from truly understanding and appreciating the Bible. This underscores the importance of setting our daily priorities accordingly to make time for studying the Bible.
  3. Danger of compromising truth for personal pleasure: There is a danger of compromising truth for personal pleasure when we are tempted to distort or interpret God’s Word to suit our own desires and preferences, instead of submitting to divine truth. When we selectively interpret the Bible to justify our own behavior, we risk deviating from the truth and deceiving ourselves. This highlights the importance of being vigilant in our daily lives and being aware of how we understand and apply God’s Word.

Faithfulness to God’s Word is the rock on which our steadfastness rests in the storms of life.

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