10 min 4 mths

12.6 Summary
Faithfulness, Outpouring of the Spirit, and Worldwide Proclamation
The lesson “The Last Events of Earth” deals with end-time prophecy and the final events that will occur according to biblical teaching. It emphasizes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the loud cry, and the last proclamation of the gospel. By examining Bible passages such as Revelation 18:1–4; Habakkuk 2:14; and Matthew 24:14, it is clarified that God’s work on earth will be completed through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The lesson emphasizes the important role that each individual plays in being open and receptive to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by devoting themselves to prayer, repentance, Bible study, faith, fellowship with fellow believers, and evangelism. Overall, the lesson teaches that as believers, we can actively contribute to overcoming the obstacles that restrain the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and that we are part of a greater divine plan aimed at renewing the world and spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth.

The connection between Lesson 12 and our everyday life and faith is profound and practical. The teachings of this lesson remind us that we live in a time characterized by spiritual significance and divine providence. Here are some aspects that illustrate the connection:
  1. Prayer: The lesson emphasizes the importance of prayer as an essential part of our spiritual life. By giving priority to prayer and staying in constant communication with God, we prepare our minds and hearts to be filled by the Holy Spirit. In daily life, we can consciously set aside time for prayer to strengthen our spiritual connection and prepare for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
  2. Repentance and Cleansing: The lesson encourages constant self-examination to recognize and confess sin. By cleansing our lives and turning away from things that separate us from God, we open ourselves to the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit. In daily life, this means becoming aware of actions or attitudes that contradict God’s will and working to rid ourselves of them.
  3. Bible Study and Meditation: Regular study of the Bible and meditation on God’s Word can sharpen our spiritual perception and allow us to delve deeper into God’s plan. In everyday life, we can make time for reading and studying the Bible and reflect on how we can apply God’s Word in our daily lives.
  4. Faith and Expectation: A spirit of faith and expectancy enables us to be open to the workings of the Holy Spirit. In daily life, we can work on strengthening our faith by firmly trusting that God will do His work and actively striving to do His will.
  5. Fellowship with Fellow Believers: By engaging in a supportive and encouraging Christian community, we can strengthen each other’s faith and be jointly prepared for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In daily life, this means actively participating in church life and encouraging and supporting each other in faith.
  6. Service and Evangelism: When we actively strive to spread the gospel and tell others about God’s love, we open ourselves to the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the world around us. In daily life, we can seek opportunities to tell others about our faith and encourage them to turn to God.
These aspects show that the teachings from Lesson 12 have direct implications for our daily lives and our faith. By preparing for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and consciously opening ourselves to God’s work, we can actively contribute to renewing the world and spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Defending God’s truth may be difficult, but we must stand firm, even when it’s unpopular.

1.Why is an understanding of end-time events very important for the coming crisis? How does the Holy Scriptures protect against deception?
An understanding of end-time events is extremely important for the coming crisis as it helps us recognize the signs of the times and prepare for what lies ahead. The Holy Scriptures serve as protection against deception by providing us with clear instructions and prophetic insights that help us distinguish truth from falsehood. By adhering to God’s Word, we can recognize deceptions and guard ourselves against them.

2.Democratic societies around the world have been a bulwark of religious freedom for centuries. How might that quickly change?
Democratic societies have been a bulwark of religious freedom for centuries, but these freedoms could quickly change, especially in times of increasing global tensions and political upheavals. Laws could be enacted to restrict or even abolish religious freedom, especially when religious beliefs conflict with state interests or political goals. These changes could be brought about through political decisions, societal pressure, or the rise of authoritarian regimes.
3.Consider the above statement by Ellen White. What decisions are you making today that could lead you to be among those confessing Adventists tomorrow?
The decisions we make today could lead us to be among the confessing Adventists who stand up for their faith amid the end-time crisis. These decisions include:
  1. Decision for Obedience: We can choose today to be faithful to God and His Word by consciously deciding to obey His commandments, including the Sabbath, as a sign of our dedication to God.
  2. Study of the Holy Scriptures: By seriously engaging with the Bible today and understanding the teachings of Scripture, we can be better prepared tomorrow to face the challenges of the end-time crisis and defend our faith.
  3. Prayer and Spiritual Community: We can develop the habit of praying regularly today and engaging in spiritual fellowship with other believers. By doing so, we strengthen our spiritual connection to God and build a network of support and encouragement.
  4. Decision for Integrity: We can decide today to live a life of integrity that aligns with our faith. By living according to moral and ethical principles in all areas of our lives, we prepare ourselves to stand firm in difficult times.
  5. Preparation for Resistance: We can start today to prepare for possible resistance and trials that we may encounter tomorrow. This means strengthening our convictions, mentally and emotionally fortifying ourselves, and being aware that our faith could present us with challenges. By making conscious decisions today that align with our faith and dedication to God, we can prepare ourselves to be among the confessing Adventists who remain steadfast amid the end-time crisis.

4.How does the message of the second angel change under the loud cry, and what personal preparations can we make to receive the latter rain, which is to complete God’s work on earth?
The message of the second angel intensifies under the loud cry, becoming more urgent and intense. During this time, the warning against receiving the mark of the first beast, which calls for the worship of the false Sabbath, is emphasized. People are admonished to remain faithful to the true God and to turn away from the false teachings and traditions of the world. Personal preparations to receive the latter rain, which is to complete God’s work on earth, could include:
  1. Prayer and Spiritual Dedication: We can engage more intensely in prayer and develop a deep spiritual dedication to open our hearts and minds to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  2. Repentance and Cleansing: It is important to examine our hearts and turn away from all sins. Through repentance and cleansing, we prepare ourselves to be filled by the Holy Spirit.
  3. Deepening Bible Study: We can intensify our Bible study and delve deeper into God’s Word to better understand His truth and be firmly rooted in our faith.
  4. Faith and Expectation: A strong trust in God and the firm expectation that He will complete His work prepares us to receive the blessing of the latter rain.
  5. Fellowship with Fellow Believers: By actively participating in a supportive Christian community, we can strengthen each other’s faith and jointly prepare for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
  6. Service and Evangelism: We can actively strive to spread the gospel and tell others about God’s love. By engaging in service to others, we open ourselves to the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the world around us.
By making these personal preparations, we can be prepared to receive the blessing of the latter rain, which will complete God’s work on earth.

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