7 min 4 mths

Series THE GREAT CONTROVERSY with Pastor Mark Finley  |
Lesson 13.The Triumph of God’s Love  |
Hope, Justice, and the Final Destiny   |

In this final lesson, we explore how God’s love and justice triumph in the last days of Earth. We consider the hope that believers have in difficult times and the promise of Jesus’ soon return, which brings comfort and confidence. The millennium on Earth and the judgment during this period reveal God’s just actions and His efforts to save humanity. Finally, we examine the two eternities – the final destiny of the righteous and the wicked – and see how God’s love and justice ultimately prevail.
Memory Text: Revelation 21,3.4 – “And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.’ ”
13.1 Hope in the Time of Trouble

God’s Promises for the End Times
The events described in the Bible before Jesus’ return are marked by an intense time of tribulation and the final seven plagues, as described in Revelation 16. However, God’s people will be protected amid these challenges, similar to the plagues in Egypt. Those whose names are written in the Book of Life will be saved, which points to a deep and faithful relationship with Jesus (Daniel 12:1). In times of tribulation, a close personal relationship with Jesus is the only sufficient preparation to remain pure and faithful (1 John 3:1-3). Comforting promises in the Psalms and Revelation 3:10-12 assure us that Jesus is always with us and that our faith will remain strong, even when the world around us falls apart. In these difficult times, our longing for eternity and the desire to live forever with Jesus grow.
13.2 Hope in Jesus’ Soon Return
Comfort and Confidence in Troubling Times
Jesus’ assurance in John 14:1-3 that He will not leave us and will return to take us home gives us comfort and hope in the face of upcoming challenges and tribulation. This promise encourages us, reminding us of our true home and pointing to the “blessed hope” that has inspired believers of all generations (Titus 2:11-14). While the wicked are plagued by fear and guilt as described in Revelation 6:15-17 and Isaiah 25:8-9, the righteous experience peace and joy through the acceptance of God’s grace. The reaction of the redeemed in Revelation 15:3-4 and 19:7 shows their gratitude and reverence for Christ’s generous salvation. The sequence of events in Revelation 12:17, 17:13-14, and 19:11-16 reveals the final battle on Earth and Christ’s ultimate victory, instilling hope and confidence in our hearts.
13.3 The Millennium on Earth
Satan’s Imprisonment and the Revelation of Divine Justice
Revelation 19 ends with the dramatic return of Jesus and the destruction of the wicked, but the story continues in Revelation 20, which introduces us to the millennium, a period of 1,000 years. During this time, Satan is symbolically bound and cast into an “abyss,” meaning that he cannot deceive anyone due to the desolate and depopulated Earth. This corresponds to the description in 2 Peter 2:4, where Satan and his angels are kept in “chains of darkness.” Jeremiah 4:23-26 and 25:33 depict the Earth as devastated and lifeless, with Satan and his angels having to witness the destruction their rebellion has caused. This millennium vividly demonstrates the consequences of sin and God’s justice, love, and efforts to save humanity.
13.4 Judgment in the Millennium
Divine Justice and the Clarification of All Questions
During the millennium, the righteous will reign with Christ in heaven and have the opportunity to understand God’s justice (Revelation 20:4-6). They will be able to ask questions and comprehend why some people are not in heaven, recognizing God’s fair and loving judgments. This will strengthen the redeemed’s trust in God’s justice and His efforts to save every person. At the end of the millennium, the wicked dead will be resurrected, Satan will deceive the nations one last time, and there will be a final confrontation (Revelation 20:7-9). The timing of the final judgment reflects God’s patience and His comprehensive willingness to give everyone a chance for salvation before the final verdict – the second death – is pronounced.
13.5 Two Eternities
The Final Destiny of the Righteous and the Wicked
The wicked are resurrected according to 2 Corinthians 5:10, Romans 14:10-11, and Revelation 20:11-15 so that all can recognize that God’s ways were just and fair. Everyone will bow before God and acknowledge His justice, even Satan and his followers. Ellen White describes how the wicked will be aware of every sin and rejection of divine grace at the final reckoning. This realization leads to their final judgment and eternal death. Revelation 20:9, Psalm 37:20, and Malachi 4:1-2 show that sin and sinners will be consumed by fire, not subjected to eternal torment. God is not an eternal tormentor; the destruction is final. Therefore, our only hope lies in trusting in the righteousness of Jesus to avoid death and receive eternal life.
13.6 Summary
The Triumph of God’s Love: Hope, Justice, and the Final Destiny
This lesson addresses the triumph of divine love in the end times. In difficult times, God’s protection gives believers hope and highlights the necessity of a deep relationship with Jesus during the tribulation (13.1). The promise of Jesus’ soon return brings comfort and confidence, inspired by the “blessed hope” (13.2). During the millennium, Satan will be bound, and the Earth will be devastated, revealing divine justice (13.3). The righteous will reign in heaven and better understand God’s justice while the wicked are judged at the end of the millennium (13.4). Finally, the ultimate destruction of sin and the salvation of the righteous showcase God’s justice and mercy (13.5).

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