7 min 8 mths

8.2 Teach Us to Number Our Days

Read Psalm 90; 102:12 and 103:14–16. What is the human dilemma?

Psalm 90, along with verses from Psalms 102 and 103, offers a profound insight into the human dilemma, which lies in its transience and limitations. These passages reflect on the transience of human life in the face of eternity and present the quest for wisdom and significance in this context.
Initially, the image of human existence is presented as a fleeting breath compared to the eternity of God. A thousand years are like a brief watch in the night before Him, and even the longest human life passes quickly in comparison. This portrayal reminds us of how brief and fragile our life on this Earth is, and how important it is to wisely utilize our days.
The human dilemma is further elucidated by the description of how even the strongest among humans can be compared to the weakest plants. Our lifespan is limited and filled with toil and trouble. This reality leads to a deep yearning for meaning and fulfillment that transcends the transient.
However, within this dilemma lies hope. The Psalmist acknowledges God’s care for His people and calls for acquiring wisdom to number our days correctly. This wisdom entails not only intelligence but also reverence for God and an awareness of the limitations of our life. Through repentance and the grace of God, we can find hope and lead a righteous life.
Finally, in the verses from Psalm 103, the hope of redemption and forgiveness brought by Jesus Christ is emphasized. Despite our dilemma due to sin, we have found a way through Jesus. His sacrifice on the cross has given us hope for eternal life and freed us from the power of sin.
Overall, this passage shows us the urgency and significance of gaining wisdom and living a life in accordance with God’s will. Despite the transience and limitations of our lives, we can find hope and redemption through Jesus Christ.

No matter how quickly our life passes: What promise do we have in Jesus (see John 3:16)? What hope would we have without Him?

John 3:16 states: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This promise is the cornerstone of the Christian faith and offers boundless hope for every individual.
The promise in Jesus Christ is that through faith in Him, we will not perish but have eternal life. This promise means that we will not only have a life after death but that this life will be characterized by eternal joy, peace, and communion with God. It is a hope that transcends the transient and gives us comfort and confidence amidst the toils and troubles of life.
Without Jesus, we would not have such hope. Our existence would be characterized by the transience and limitations of our lives, with no prospect of life after death. Our sins would have separated us from God, and we would have been subject to eternal death.
However, thanks to Jesus, we have a hope that transcends all human limits and boundaries. His love and sacrifice on the cross have paved the way for our redemption and reconciliation with God. Through Him, we have access to eternal life and an unshakable hope in the glory of God.
In this promise, we find comfort, peace, and security, no matter how quickly our life passes or what challenges we face. It is the promise of God’s infinite love given to us through Jesus Christ, which holds us forever in His grace and mercy.


The promise in John 3:16 has a profound connection to our everyday life and faith. Here are some ways in which this connection can manifest:
  1. Hope and comfort in difficult times: The promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ gives us hope and comfort when we are faced with challenges, suffering, or loss. It reminds us that our life has a deeper purpose and that God’s love and care for us are unwavering.
  2. Guidance for decisions: The certainty of the promise in John 3:16 can guide us in our everyday decisions. By remembering God’s love and the hope of eternal life, we can make decisions that align with our faith and lead us on the path of love, grace, and forgiveness.
  3. Change of perspective: The promise of eternal life reminds us that the things of this world are transient and that it is important to adopt an eternal perspective. This can help us focus less on material things and instead prioritize spiritual values such as love, kindness, and charity.
  4. Motivation for gratitude and devotion: Recognizing the infinite love of God revealed in the promise of John 3:16 motivates us to gratitude and devotion. Our everyday life is permeated with deep gratitude for God’s grace and love, inspiring us to live our lives in service to Him and others.
  5. Mission and testimony: The promise of eternal life motivates us to tell others about God’s love and salvation through Jesus Christ. By sharing this hope with others, we can bring light into darkness and encourage people to believe in Jesus and receive eternal life.
Overall, the promise in John 3:16 has an immediate and profound impact on our daily lives and faith. It reminds us of God’s infinite love and gives us hope, comfort, guidance, and motivation in our pursuit to follow Him and proclaim His kingdom on earth.

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