11 min 7 mths

13.6 Summary
Waiting on God’s Time: Patience and Trust Amidst Challenges
The summary of Lesson 13, “Wait for the Lord,” involves an in-depth examination of various biblical passages and their application to the daily lives of believers. The lesson emphasizes the importance of patiently waiting on God, trusting in His guidance, and hoping for the fulfillment of His promises.
In Lesson 13, various Bible verses such as Psalm 27:14; 37:7,9,34; 39:8; 40:2; 69:7; Galatians 5:5; and Romans 8:18–25 are first explored, calling God’s people to be patient and to trust in God’s timing and guidance. These verses emphasize the need for patience, perseverance, and hope in times of waiting and uncertainty. The Apostle Paul particularly describes in Romans 8:18–25 the creation’s waiting for redemption and encourages believers to hope for the fulfillment of God’s promises amid difficulties.
As Adventist Christians, we are called to testify to the hope of the new creation in Christ, which is associated with His second coming. Our waiting for His return is based on the certainty of His first coming and the associated resurrection. Therefore, our waiting is not passive but an active trust and anticipation of the fulfillment of divine promises.
The lesson also emphasizes the importance of trusting in God and resting in His guidance, as depicted in Psalm 131. The psalm teaches us humility, dependence on God, and trust in His care. Jesus reminds us in Matthew 18:3 to be humble and trusting like children in order to inherit the kingdom of heaven.
Furthermore, the power of remembering past deeds of God is highlighted, as depicted in Psalm 126. The experiences of past rescue and deliverance give God’s people strength and hope for the present and the future. By remembering God’s faithfulness and care, we can express our gratitude and find comfort in difficult times.
Finally, the symbolism of the morning in the Bible is considered, particularly in Mark 16:1–8, where the resurrection of Jesus Christ is described on the morning of the first day after the Sabbath. Jesus’ resurrection promises us hope and victory over death, showing that death is not the final word and that through Christ, we have hope of eternal life with God.
Overall, the lesson illustrates the close connection between faith and the daily lives of believers by encouraging them to patiently wait on God, trust in His guidance, remember His faithfulness, and hope for the fulfillment of His promises.

The connection between the biblical teachings on waiting for God and the daily lives of believers is complex and influences various aspects of our lives:
  1. Patience and Endurance: The teachings on waiting for God teach us patience and endurance in difficult situations. In daily life, we often encounter challenges that require immediate solutions, but faith teaches us to be patient and trust that God will act in His time.
  2. Trust and Hope: By waiting for God’s guidance, we learn to trust Him and have hope in His promises. In everyday life, we can rely on God’s guidance even when circumstances seem unclear or difficult.
  3. Humility and Dependency: The Bible teaches us to be humble and to rely on God like children. In daily life, this humility reminds us that we do not have control over everything and that we depend on God’s grace and guidance.
  4. Gratitude and Remembrance: Remembering God’s faithfulness and care in the past inspires gratitude and gives us hope for the future. In daily life, we can express gratitude and find comfort in difficult times through remembering God’s blessings.
  5. Hope for Eternal Life: The teachings on waiting for God’s kingdom and the promise of resurrection give us hope for eternal life with God. This hope influences our perspective on life and gives us confidence even in the midst of suffering and difficulties.
Overall, the connection between faith and daily life shows that the biblical teachings on waiting for God and hoping in His promises can have practical effects on our daily behavior, attitudes, and relationships. Faith gives us strength, comfort, and hope as we navigate the challenges of life.

1.Why is waiting important in our spiritual lives? Discuss the experiences of waiting by some biblical heroes of faith. How did waiting refine and strengthen their faith? (Romans 4:19–22; Hebrews 11)
Waiting plays a crucial role in our spiritual lives for several reasons:
  1. Patience and Character Building: Waiting teaches us patience and endurance, important virtues in the Christian life. By waiting for God’s timing, we develop a character that is steadfast and not influenced by circumstances.
  2. Trust in God’s Sovereignty: Through waiting, we learn to rely on God’s sovereignty and trust Him even when we do not see immediate answers or solutions. This strengthens our faith and relationship with God.
Some biblical heroes of faith, such as Abraham and Sarah, are examples of individuals who were strengthened through waiting for God:
  • Abraham and Sarah (Romans 4:19–22; Hebrews 11): Abraham and Sarah waited many years for the fulfillment of God’s promise that they would have a son. Although they initially showed doubt and impatience, their faith grew over time. Eventually, they received Isaac, the son of promise, and their faith was strengthened as they realized that God is faithful, even when His timing is different from ours.
  • Noah (Hebrews 11:7): Noah waited for decades for God’s promise of a great flood to be fulfilled, and during this time, he obediently built the ark. His faith and loyalty were tested during this waiting period, but in the end, he was saved through his patience and obedience.
  • Joseph (Genesis 37-50): Joseph had to wait many years for God’s plan for his life to be fulfilled. Despite many trials and sufferings, he maintained his faith and loyalty to God. In the end, he was exalted and served as a savior for his family and the people of Israel.
These examples demonstrate that waiting on God is often accompanied by trials and challenges, but it is also a means through which our faith is refined and strengthened. Ultimately, God’s faithfulness and sovereignty are revealed as we patiently wait on Him.

2.What is the goal of our waiting? (Psalm 37:34–40) In other words, what is promised to us when all things are finally settled? What hope do we find in these texts, for example, for the justice that has been lacking in this life for so long?
The goal of our waiting is outlined in the quoted Bible verses from Psalm 37:34–40. Here are some key points:
  1. The Promise of Salvation: The psalmist promises that those who wait on the Lord will be saved and inherit the land. This salvation includes not only material blessings but, above all, deliverance from evil and eternity in God’s presence.
  2. Liberation from the Wicked: God will exterminate the wicked and protect the righteous. This means that in the end, righteousness will prevail, and those who remain faithful to God will be shielded from injustice and oppression.
  3. The Perseverance of God’s Children: God’s children will not perish but will stand forever. Even in times of trial and suffering, believers can trust in God’s faithful hand that enables them to endure.
  4. Salvation by the Lord: The Lord will rescue His servants who trust in Him. This promise offers hope amid difficulties and urges believers to wait for God’s salvation, even if it may not be immediately apparent.
The hope found in these texts is the certainty that God will ultimately triumph and provide His justice and salvation for those who patiently wait on Him. This hope encourages believers to remain steadfast even in the midst of suffering and injustice, trusting in God’s promises. Ultimately, God will resolve all things and establish His kingdom of righteousness and peace, where His children will be with Him forever.

3.Why is the waiting for Jesus almost over for the deceased, as far as their experience is concerned (Ecclesiastes 9:5)? What hope can we draw from this answer?
In Ecclesiastes 9:5, it says: “For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten.” This verse speaks about the state of the deceased, emphasizing that they no longer experience anything that happens in life. Their perception and experience have ceased, and they no longer have a share in the things that occur under the sun.
The waiting for Jesus by the deceased is considered almost over because according to the Christian belief, the return of Jesus Christ will mark the end of time and the resurrection of the dead. For those who have died in faith, this means that their waiting for the fulfillment of God’s promises is nearing its completion. The hope we can draw from this answer is the certainty that death is not the end, but rather Jesus Christ will come again to establish His kingdom and grant eternal life to believers.
For those who die in faith, the waiting for Jesus is almost over because they can be assured that they will be resurrected and have eternal communion with God. This hope provides comfort and assurance, especially in times of loss and grief, and encourages believers to stand firm in their faith and trust in God’s promises.

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