7 min 10 mths

13.5 Mission Complete

Read Revelation 21:1–4 and 21:22–22:5. What scene is described here?

Revelation 21:1–4 and 21:22–22:5 describe the scene of the new heaven and the new earth as envisioned by the Apostle John in his Revelation. Here is a summary of the events and conditions described:

  1. Revelation 21:1–4: This passage introduces the new heaven and the new earth. God Himself will be with the people, and there will be no more tears, death, sorrow, or pain. Everything will be made new, and believers will dwell with God eternally.
  2. Revelation 21:22–22:5: These passages emphasize that there will be no temple in the new city because God and the Lamb will be the temple. There will be eternal light, and people will see the face of God. There will be no more night, and believers will reign with God. It is also mentioned that the holy city will have a life-giving river with the water of life and fruitful trees.

The described scene is the realization of God’s plan for the ultimate union with believers in a perfect, sin-free environment. This vision of the future emphasizes the glory and joy of living with God on the new earth.

Regarding the Mission Board of the General Conference and reaching people groups, the emphasis is on every congregation and association identifying unreached people groups. The goal is for each reached group to have the ability to effectively witness without external assistance. This call aligns with the mission to make disciples and carry the gospel to the ends of the earth, ultimately leading to a diverse community in the new heaven and the new earth.


Challenge: How do you accelerate the Second Coming of Christ? Are you sowing seeds of hope in the hearts of those who need to hear the Good News? Are you “watering” new believers by helping them learn what it means to lead a life in faithful obedience to Christ? Pray for opportunities to share the promise of the renewed earth with people on your daily prayer list.

Accelerating the Second Coming of Christ is a challenging concept. Here are some ways to actively contribute:

  1. Evangelism and Spreading the Good News: Actively participate in evangelism through personal conversations, evangelistic events, mission trips, or using modern communication tools. Spreading the Good News of hope and redemption is crucial.
  2. Discipleship and Instruction: Accompany new believers and help them develop a deep understanding of faith. Encourage discipleship processes and Bible studies to ensure they learn what it means to lead a life in faithful obedience to Christ.
  3. Prayer for Opportunities: Pray specifically for opportunities in your daily prayers to share the hope of the renewed earth and the Gospel message with others. Seek wisdom and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to be effective in proclaiming God’s promises.
  4. Participation in Missionary Activities: Actively engage in missionary projects, local evangelistic events, or humanitarian initiatives to carry the love of Christ into the world and spread the message of hope.
  5. Living as a Living Example: Be an authentic example through a life of faithful obedience to Christ, encouraging others to explore the path of faith. A life in faithful obedience to Christ can be a powerful message for those around us.

Accelerating the Second Coming of Christ involves a collective effort of believers in spreading the Gospel, making disciples, and carrying God’s love into the world. It is a combination of proclamation, discipleship, and prayer aimed at changing hearts and preparing people for the Second Coming of Christ.


Challenge Plus: Some of your “disciples” may be ready to accept Christ, including joining a church or a group of believers. Put yourself in their shoes and imagine if they were to visit your church for the first time. What experience would they have? How well is your church prepared to welcome and disciple new people? Are you open to forming new groups of believers, not just building up your existing congregation? Develop a strategy to address weaknesses. Share your thoughts with the church leadership and collaborate with them to implement a plan aimed at becoming a community that consciously makes disciples of others.

Preparing and welcoming new believers into a church is crucial to ensuring they feel welcome and are effectively guided on their spiritual journey. Here are some considerations and a strategy for addressing weaknesses:

  1. Creating a Culture of Welcome:
    • Ensure the church creates a warm and inviting atmosphere, starting with friendly welcome teams at the entrance.
    • Organize welcome events or courses for newcomers to provide them with foundational knowledge of faith and the church.
  2. Mentoring and Guidance:
    • Implement a mentoring program where experienced members are willing to guide new believers and answer their questions.
    • Provide training for mentors to ensure they are well-prepared to support the spiritual journey of new believers.
  3. Inclusive Church Structure:
    • Review the structure and programs of the church to ensure they are inclusive and adaptable to accommodate various needs and backgrounds.
    • Encourage the formation of small groups or house churches that can provide a more intimate and supportive environment.
  4. Training and Integration:
    • Offer regular training sessions aimed at promoting knowledge of faith and practices among believers.
    • Integrate new members into existing groups and activities to strengthen social bonds.
  5. Openness to New Approaches:
    • Encourage the church to be open to new forms of worship, community life, and evangelism to appeal to different people.
    • Emphasize the importance of flexibility and adaptability to address the needs of a changing congregation.
  6. Improving Communication:
    • Revise communication strategies to ensure information is clear and accessible, especially for people who are new to the church.
    • Utilize various communication channels, including social media and church events.
  7. Introduce Feedback Mechanisms:
    • Implement regular feedback mechanisms to learn about the experiences of new members in the church and make continuous adjustments.

Share these thoughts with church leadership, emphasize the importance of an inclusive church culture, and work together to implement this strategy. A vibrant, welcoming, and supportive church will not only effectively welcome new believers but also contribute to their growth as disciples of Christ.

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