Lesson 10.Spiritualism Exposed
Biblical Truth Against End-Time Deceptions
In a world increasingly characterized by spiritual deceptions and supernatural phenomena, it is becoming ever more important to understand the truth about spiritism and its dangers. Lesson 10, “Exposing Spiritism,” provides an in-depth examination of the deadly consequences of spiritism and how the Bible describes death in both the Old and New Testaments. Furthermore, the lesson highlights the role of spiritism in the end times and the challenges believers will face during this critical phase.
This lesson reminds us of the importance of steadfastly adhering to biblical truth and not losing sight of the hope of Christ’s return. While Satan seeks to deceive people through false signs and wonders, we are called to remain vigilant and to strengthen our faith through prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers. Only through a deep understanding of Scripture and trust in God’s promises can we resist the deceptions of the end times and maintain our eternal hope.
10.1 The Deadly Consequences of Spiritualism
The Dangerous Contradiction to Biblical Truth
The belief in the natural immortality of the soul and the idea that death is merely a transition to a new phase of life is deeply rooted in history and has its origins in paganism. This notion was early on adopted by the church as it sought to adapt its faith to the broader Roman world, thereby straying from its biblical foundations. Ellen G. White emphasizes in “The Desire of Ages” that “the theory of the immortality of the soul is one of the false doctrines that Rome borrowed from paganism and incorporated into the Christian religion” (DA 500).
A look at Matthew 10:28 reveals the biblical perspective on the immortality of the soul: “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” This verse makes it clear that the soul does not exist independently of God’s judgment and power. The supposed immortality of the soul is questioned here, as only God has the power to destroy both body and soul.
God expressly forbade the Israelites from engaging in any form of occultism and spiritism. Deuteronomy 18:11 emphasizes that no one among them was to practice divination, sorcery, interpretation of omens, or consult the dead. These prohibitions were strictly enforced, as shown in Leviticus 20:27, where the death penalty was prescribed for such practices. This harsh punishment was meant to protect Israel from the seduction of false gods and the loss of true faith.
Spiritism and witchcraft are clearly depicted in the Bible as demonic and deceptive. They offer a deceptive form of worship and supposed spiritual fulfillment but can never satisfy the deepest needs of the human heart. Spiritism is a central part of Satan’s plan to deceive and enslave humanity. However, there is hope and deliverance through Jesus Christ, who breaks the chains of evil through His grace and power and frees the captives. In Him, we find true freedom and the fulfillment of our deepest longings.
Read Ecclesiastes 9:5, Job 7:7-9, and Isaiah 8:19-20. What do these Bible passages teach us about death and communication with the dead?
The Bible passages Ecclesiastes 9:5, Job 7:7-9, and Isaiah 8:19-20 offer clear teachings about death and the impossibility of communication with the dead.
Ecclesiastes 9:5 states: “For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten.” This verse underscores that the dead have no consciousness and no knowledge of the world of the living. This refutes any notion that the deceased can actively participate in the lives of the living or communicate with them.
Job 7:7-9 describes the transience of human life: “Remember that my life is a breath; my eye will never again see good. The eye of him who sees me will behold me no more; while your eyes are on me, I shall be gone. As the cloud fades and vanishes, so he who goes down to Sheol does not come up.” Job emphasizes that after death, there is no return to life and that the dead do not come back. This clearly contradicts the idea that the deceased continue to exist and exert influence after death.
Isaiah 8:19-20 warns against seeking advice from mediums: “And when they say to you, ‘Inquire of the mediums and the necromancers who chirp and mutter,’ should not a people inquire of their God? Should they inquire of the dead on behalf of the living? To the teaching and to the testimony! If they will not speak according to this word, it is because they have no dawn.” Isaiah admonishes that one should seek God and His teaching instead of seeking advice from the dead. This makes it clear that any communication with the dead is not only useless but also against God’s commandments.
In summary, these Bible passages teach that the dead have no consciousness, cannot interfere in the lives of the living, and that any form of communication with them is against God’s will. The belief that the dead immediately go to heaven after death and can continue to exert influence is unbiblical. This false teaching makes people susceptible to deceptions by Satan, especially in times of crisis. Biblical faith emphasizes the necessity of relying solely on God’s teaching and revelation to find truth and protection.
The biblical teachings about death and the impossibility of communication with the dead have profound implications for our daily life and faith:
Truth and Clarity in Matters of Faith: By relying on the Bible as the source of truth, we avoid the confusion and deceptions that arise from false teachings. This strengthens our faith and helps us live more clearly and decisively.
Protection from Spiritism and Occultism: Knowing that the deceased have no consciousness and cannot communicate with the living protects us from the dangerous influence of spiritism and occultism. These practices are not only unbiblical but also open doors to harmful spiritual influences.
Focus on God and His Teaching: The admonition in Isaiah 8:19-20 to adhere to God’s teaching and revelation directs our focus towards a trusting relationship with God. Instead of seeking answers from spiritualistic sources in times of need or uncertainty, we learn to bring our questions and concerns to God and find guidance in His word.
Comfort and Hope in the Resurrection: The biblical belief in the resurrection of the dead at Christ’s return gives us comfort and hope. Death is not the end but a temporary state until the resurrection. This gives us a positive perspective on life after death and encourages us to live a life in accordance with God’s will.
Responsibility for Our Lives: The awareness that we have only this life to shape our character and make our decisions strengthens our sense of responsibility. It motivates us to live meaningfully and act consciously in accordance with our faith convictions.
Community and Support: A shared understanding of biblical teachings strengthens the community among believers. By encouraging and supporting each other, we create an environment based on truth and love that helps us overcome the challenges of life.
Overall, these teachings influence our daily life and faith by providing us with guidance, protection, comfort, and a deeper understanding of our responsibility and our relationship with God. They encourage us to live a life in truth and close communion with God.
The biblical truth about death protects us from spiritualistic deceptions and directs our focus towards a trusting relationship with God.
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