10 min 8 mths

Lesson 8 “Wisdom for Righteous Living” addresses various aspects of wisdom and righteous living according to biblical teachings, particularly through the analysis of Psalms and other scriptures. The central focus is on how obeying God’s commandments and trusting in His word can lead to a fulfilled and blessed life.
Psalm 119 is presented as an outstanding chapter emphasizing the importance of adhering to God’s commandments and highlighting the blessings that come from it. It emphasizes not just following external actions but having a deep devotion and seeking after God with all one’s heart.
The power of God’s word is illustrated through Jesus’ temptations in the desert, where he resisted the devil by applying God’s word. This demonstrates the strength and blessings that come from a heart obedient to God’s law.
Human transience and limitation are reflected in Psalms like 90 and 102, emphasizing the urgency of gaining wisdom and living in accordance with God’s will. The hope of redemption through Jesus Christ is also highlighted, providing a source of comfort and security amidst life’s struggles.
The role of divine trials in the lives of believers is illuminated in various Psalms, emphasizing that these trials serve to strengthen faith and prepare for the fulfillment of God’s promises. It is also noted that rejecting God’s instruction can have serious consequences.
Psalms 1, 112, and 128 offer insight into the blessings promised to those who honor the Lord. These blessings include personal success, influence, offspring, peace, and prosperity.
In conclusion, it is emphasized that the cross and sacrifice of Jesus guarantee the fulfillment of God’s promises. These promises offer comfort, hope, and security for believers in their daily lives.
Overall, Lesson 8 provides a profound exploration of wisdom, righteous living, and the importance of trusting in God’s word for a fulfilled and blessed life. It encourages readers to listen to God’s commandments, seek wisdom, and grow in faith to experience the abundant blessings that God has in store for His people.

The connection of Lesson 8 with our daily lives and faith is manifold and profound. The principles of wisdom for a righteous way of life conveyed in this lesson have direct implications on our daily behavior and spiritual development.
Firstly, the emphasis on keeping God’s word in our hearts and following His commandments reminds us that our faith should not only be theoretical but also practical. It challenges us to align our decisions, actions, and words with the teachings of the Bible.
Secondly, the understanding that divine trials serve to strengthen our faith and prepare us suggests that difficulties and challenges in our lives should not be viewed as random but as opportunities to deepen our dependence on God.
Thirdly, the hope of redemption and reconciliation through Jesus Christ reminds us that our faith has implications not only for this life but also for eternity. This influences our perspective on suffering, losses, and challenges in life and provides us with hope and comfort amidst difficulties.
Lastly, the emphasis on the blessings of a righteous way of life encourages us to lead a life of fidelity and devotion, where we can experience and share God’s blessings not only for ourselves but also for others. Our relationship with God and our behavior in everyday life should be inseparably connected, and Lesson 8 encourages us to nurture and deepen this connection.

1.How can God’s Word become the source of one’s delight and not merely instruction? How is feeding on God’s Word related to abiding in Jesus Christ, the Word (John 1:1; John 15:5, 7)?
God’s Word can become a source of joy by not merely considering it as mere instruction but actively integrating it into our lives. When we receive God’s Word with an open heart and apply it in our daily lives, we experience the immeasurable joy that springs from it. This joy stems not only from knowing God’s commandments but from the living relationship with Him that grows through the study and implementation of His Word.
Embracing the Word of God is inseparably linked to abiding in Jesus Christ, who is the Word, as clearly stated in John 1:1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” When we abide in the Word of God, we also abide in the living relationship with Jesus Christ, who embodies the Word. Through this connection with Christ, we can bear fruit, as emphasized in John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” And in verse 7, it further states: “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”
Therefore, by embracing God’s Word and living in communion with Jesus Christ, we not only find joy and fulfillment but also the power to bear fruit and grow in faith. It is this deep connection with the living Word of God that enables us to lead a life that honors God and brings blessings to others.

2.What happens when people consciously and constantly reject God’s teaching (Psalm 81, Psalm 95)? Why do you think that happens?
When people consciously and continuously reject God’s teaching, as described in Psalms 81 and 95, it has serious consequences for them and their relationship with God. In Psalm 81, the image of the people of Israel is used, who rebel against God’s instruction and are disobedient to Him. This rejection leads to a state of hardening of the heart and turning away from God’s blessings. Similarly, Psalm 95 illustrates the consequences of stubbornly rejecting God’s word, resulting in God’s displeasure and exclusion from His place of rest.
There are various reasons why people might consciously reject God’s teaching. Some do so out of rebellion and pride, wanting to go their own way and refusing to submit to God’s authority. Others might reject God’s teaching because they do not want to accept the consequences of their actions or succumb to the temptation of unbelief, considering the word of God irrelevant or outdated. Sometimes, this happens out of ignorance or a lack of understanding of the truth of the Gospel.
In any case, the conscious and continuous rejection of God’s teaching leads to spiritual hardening of the heart and a loss of blessings and fellowship with God. It is important for us to take the warnings of Scripture seriously and humbly submit to God’s authority in order to receive His blessings and guidance in our lives.

3.Why can the way of the wicked sometimes appear more desirable than the counsel of the righteous (Psalm 141)? That is, how do we deal with the apparent fact that oftentimes the wicked seem to be doing very well?
The path of the wicked may sometimes seem more desirable than the counsel of the righteous for various reasons. On one hand, this could be because the path of the wicked is often associated with immediate pleasures and worldly successes. The wicked may seem to enjoy material wealth, power, and worldly pleasures, which may appear attractive at first glance.
Furthermore, it may seem that the wicked escape punishment and face no consequences for their actions. This can create the impression that the path of righteousness and faith does not pay off and that it is easier to choose the path of least resistance.
It is important to recognize that the apparent prosperity of the wicked is often superficial and temporary. Psalms like Psalm 37 or Psalm 73 remind us that ultimately, God will hold the wicked accountable, and their apparent happiness is short-lived.
To deal with the apparent fact that the wicked often seem to prosper, it is important to place our trust in God and rely on His word. We should not be deceived by outward appearances but trust that God is just and that His plan for us offers long-term blessings and true fulfillment, even if we have to endure difficulties along the way. Ultimately, it is the deep inner joy and peace that we experience through a life in communion with God that makes the path of righteousness and faith something far more desirable.

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