11 min 8 mths

9.6 Summary
Lesson 9 introduces us to the profound theological significance of Christ’s role as King and Priest according to the order of Melchizedek. We explore various biblical texts, particularly Psalms and the Epistle to the Hebrews, to understand how these teachings apply to Christ.
  1. Christ as King: We consider Psalm 2, which portrays Christ as the King appointed by the Father. His kingship is eternal, and ultimately, he will triumph over all enemies.
  2. Christ as Priest: Psalm 110 points to Christ as the eternal Priest according to the order of Melchizedek. His priesthood is unique and of divine authority, enabling perfect reconciliation and intercession for his people.
  3. The Connection of Kingship and Priesthood in Christ: Christ unites in his person the roles of King and Priest. His royal priesthood guarantees us a secure hope, as he reigns over all powers and is our constant intercessor before God.
  4. The Implications of Christ’s Higher Priesthood: We examine Hebrews 7 to understand how Christ, as High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek, ensures our salvation and eliminates the reign of evil. His incomparable service strengthens our faith, gives us hope, and empowers us for service in his kingdom.
Overall, Lesson 9 reveals the profound significance of Christ’s role as King and Priest for our personal lives and faith. We recognize that in Christ, God’s promises are fulfilled, and we find security, hope, and empowerment in his unmatched authority and care for his people.

The lesson on Christ’s role as King and Priest according to the order of Melchizedek has a direct connection to our daily lives and our faith:
  1. Hope and Comfort: The teaching of Christ as our eternal King and Priest gives us hope and comfort amidst life’s challenges. We can be assured that Christ reigns supreme over all powers and always intercedes for us.
  2. Trust and Obedience: Understanding that Christ is both King and Priest requires our trust and obedience. We can rely on his rule being just and merciful and willingly follow him.
  3. Prayer and Intercession: Knowing that Christ serves as our High Priest continually in the heavenly sanctuary encourages us to come to him in prayer and intercede for ourselves and others. We can be confident that our prayers are heard before God through Christ.
  4. Service and Engagement: Understanding Christ’s royal priesthood motivates us to actively work for the kingdom of God and combat evil in the world. We recognize that Christ has the ultimate authority to defeat evil, and we are called to be part of his divine mission.
Overall, the teaching of Christ’s kingship and priesthood has direct implications for our daily lives and our faith, providing us with hope, comfort, trust, obedience, prayer, and engagement.

1.How has God demonstrated His unwavering faithfulness to His covenant despite the people’s unfaithfulness? What assurance does this give to God’s children who struggle today?
God has repeatedly demonstrated His unwavering faithfulness to His covenant despite the people’s unfaithfulness by keeping His promises, even when His people strayed from Him. Despite Israel’s repeated sins and rebellions, God remained faithful to His promises and fulfilled His part of the covenant. He upheld His promises of rescue, provision, and forgiveness, even when His people were unfaithful.
This assurance gives hope and comfort to God’s children who struggle today. When faced with our own weaknesses, mistakes, and failures, we can rely on God to remain faithful to us nonetheless. His unchanging nature and promises assure us that He will never leave us or forsake us, even when we are unfaithful.
This assurance encourages us to remain steadfast and grow in faith, even when we face difficulties. It reminds us that God’s faithfulness does not depend on our performance but is an expression of His unconditional love and grace. In our toil, we can remember God’s past faithfulness and trust that He will continue to lead, strengthen, and redeem us.

2.How does Christ’s unique and superior priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek strengthen the assurance of salvation for the people of God?
Christ’s unique and superior priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek strengthens the assurance of salvation for the people of God in several ways:
  • Eternal Priesthood: Christ holds an eternal priesthood, unlike earthly priests who could not perform their services forever due to their limited lifespan. The fact that Christ perpetually serves as the High Priest assures believers that His intercession and mediation for them will never cease.
  • Perfect Reconciliation: Christ accomplished perfect reconciliation through His sacrifice on the cross. His sacrifice was unique and sufficient to atone for the sins of all. As a result, believers can experience complete forgiveness and redemption from their sins, strengthening their assurance that they are justified before God.
  • Intercession in the Heavenly Sanctuary: Christ serves as the High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary, where He continually intercedes for believers. His service is not hindered by sin or death, meaning He is able to intercede ceaselessly for His people and save them forever.
  • Guaranteed Grace and Forgiveness: Through Christ’s priesthood, believers have a permanent and reliable source of grace and forgiveness. They can trust that Christ, as their High Priest, is always ready to help, comfort, and redeem them, fortifying their assurance in salvation.
Overall, Christ’s unique and superior priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek strengthens the assurance of salvation for the people of God by providing an unshakable foundation for their relationship with God, based on Christ’s perfect sacrifice, continual intercession, and infinite grace.
3.The Gospels show that many messianic promises in the Psalms were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. How does this prove the truthfulness of God’s Word? Why must we resist any sentiment that could weaken our trust in God’s Word?
The fulfillment of many messianic promises in the Psalms and other Old Testament writings in Jesus Christ demonstrates the truthfulness of God’s Word in various ways:
  • Fulfilled Prophecies: The fulfillment of messianic promises in Jesus Christ shows that God’s Word is reliable and true. Numerous prophecies in the Old Testament referring to the coming Messiah were fulfilled in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. This demonstrates the divine inspiration of Scripture and the continuity of God’s plan of salvation throughout history.
  • Consistency and Cohesion: The fulfillment of messianic prophecies through Jesus Christ also demonstrates the consistent message of the Bible and the connection between the Old and New Testaments. The Gospels show how Jesus lived out the fulfillment of ancient promises, affirming the unity and coherence of the biblical message.
  • Historical Confirmation: The historical reliability of the Gospels and the credibility of the accounts of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection support the truthfulness of God’s Word. Archaeological discoveries and extrabiblical sources confirm many aspects of the biblical narratives, strengthening confidence in the reliability of Scripture.
It is important to resist any sentiment that could weaken our trust in God’s Word for several reasons:
  • Divine Authority: God’s Word is the ultimate authority for faith and life. By resisting doubts or temptations that question the truthfulness of Scripture, we hold onto the divine authority that provides guidance and truth.
  • Spiritual Maturity: Strong trust in God’s Word is crucial for our spiritual maturity and growth in faith. By remaining faithful to our trust in Scripture, we can gain deeper insights and develop a more stable foundation for our faith.
  • Tested Experience: The history of Christianity is replete with examples of God’s faithfulness to His promises and the power of His Word to transform lives. By holding onto God’s Word, we can draw on the tested experience of many believers and be encouraged by their steadfastness.
Overall, it is crucial to resist any sentiment that could weaken our trust in God’s Word and instead rely on the compelling reasons for its truthfulness and authority.
4.What great comfort can we draw from the words of Christ: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18)? How can we apply this promise to our own experiences?
The words of Jesus, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18), offer us great comfort and a source of strength for several reasons:
  • Divine Sovereignty: This statement reaffirms Jesus’ divine sovereignty over all aspects of the universe. As the resurrected and exalted ruler, Jesus has absolute authority over heaven and earth. This assurance comforts us because we know that our Lord and Savior reigns supreme over all.
  • Promise of Presence: The promise of Jesus’ omnipotence means that He is always with us to guide, comfort, and strengthen us. In all circumstances of life, we can rely on His presence and trust that He will never leave us alone.
  • Victory over Evil: Because Jesus has all authority, we can be assured that evil and darkness are ultimately defeated. His reign brings hope and comfort in the midst of trials and challenges, knowing that in the end, His light and righteousness will triumph.
  • Application to Our Lives: We can apply this promise to our own experiences by recognizing that Christ reigns in our lives. By submitting to His rule and being obedient to Him, we can experience His power and strength in our lives. We can also trust that He hears our prayers and guides us in all areas of life.
Overall, the promise of Jesus’ omnipotence offers us comfort, hope, and confidence. It reminds us that our ruler and redeemer reigns over all and that in His presence and under His rule, we can find peace and strength.

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