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11.5 The Beast from the Earth
The Second Beast: The USA and Its Prophetic Significance
Read Revelation 13:11–18. How does this second beast differ from the first beast in Revelation 13?
Differences between the first and second beasts in Revelation 13:
  1. Origin:
    • First Beast: Comes from the sea (Rev 13:1).
    • Second Beast: Comes from the earth (Rev 13:11).
  2. Symbolism of Origin:
    • Sea: Symbolizes peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues (Rev 17:15) – a densely populated region.
    • Earth: Symbolizes a sparsely populated part of the world.
  3. Time of Appearance:
    • First Beast: Exercises its power during the prophetic timespan of 1260 years (538 AD to 1798 AD).
    • Second Beast: Appears around 1798, towards the end of the first beast’s power period.
  4. Appearance and Symbolism:
    • First Beast: Has ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on the horns and blasphemous names on the heads (Rev 13:1).
    • Second Beast: Has two horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon (Rev 13:11).
  5. Type of Government:
    • First Beast: The crowns on the horns suggest monarchical or authoritarian power.
    • Second Beast: Lacks crowns on its horns, indicating a republican or democratic form of government. The two horns symbolize the principles of political and religious freedom.
The United States in the Prophetic Interpretation:
The description of the second beast fits the United States of America:
  • Time of Appearance: The USA declared independence in 1776, adopted its Constitution in 1789, and emerged as a world power by the late 19th century.
  • Government Principles: The two horns symbolize the political and religious freedoms fundamental to the USA.
  • Promise of Freedom and Reality: The beast has horns like a lamb (symbol of freedom and peace) but speaks like a dragon (symbol of oppression and deception), indicating the contrast between its ideals and actual policies.
Read Revelation 13:11–12. What change do you see in this beast, and how does it speak?
In Revelation 13:11–12, we see a remarkable change in this second beast:
  • Initial Description: It is described as having two horns like a lamb, indicating a gentle, peaceful nature.
  • Change: It eventually speaks like a dragon, suggesting that this initially peaceful and lamb-like land becomes a source of oppression and evil.
  • Exercise of Power: It “exercises all the authority of the first beast” and abandons its principles of religious freedom. As a result, it causes the earth and its inhabitants to worship the first beast (Revelation 13:12).
The prophecy about the second beast in Revelation 13:11–12 has significant implications for our daily lives and faith:
  1. Change of the Second Beast:
    • Initially, the second beast is described as gentle and lamb-like, indicating a peaceful and benevolent nature.
    • Over time, it changes its way of speaking and ultimately speaks like a dragon. This suggests that this initially peaceful country eventually becomes a source of oppression and evil.
    • It “exercises all the authority of the first beast” and abandons its principles of religious freedom, leading to the worship of the first beast (Revelation 13:12).
Connection with Our Daily Lives and Faith:
The change of the second beast in Revelation 13:11–12 reminds us that even seemingly benevolent institutions or powers can abandon their original principles and transform into something that goes against the values of faith and freedom. This understanding has direct implications for our daily lives and faith:
  • Vigilance: We should be vigilant and critically observe the changes in our society as well as in political and religious institutions to ensure they remain true to the values of faith and freedom.
  • Faith and Action: Our faith principles should guide us to actively stand up for justice, freedom, and the protection of human rights, even if it means going against the mainstream.
  • Reflection and Examination: It is important to regularly reflect on and examine our own beliefs and actions to ensure we remain true to our values and do not succumb to the temptation of abandoning the principles that are important to us.
The prophecy reminds us that even amid political instability and change, faith in our core values and principles can enable us to remain steadfast and stand up for what is right.

Be vigilant about changes, even in seemingly peaceful and benevolent institutions, as they can ultimately lead to oppression and loss of freedom.

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