6 min 7 mths

13.4 Waiting in God’s Sabbath Rest
The Two Sides of the Sabbath: Creation and Dedication
Read Psalm 92. What two aspects of the Sabbath are emphasized in this Sabbath song?
In Psalm 92, two aspects of the Sabbath are emphasized:
  1. God’s Creation and Preservation: The psalm praises God for His great deeds, particularly for His creation and preservation of the world. By mentioning God’s victory over His enemies, it is evident that the Sabbath recalls creation, in which God created the world and exercises His sovereign authority over it. Sabbath rest provides believers with the opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate God’s work of creation.
  2. Deliverance from Evil and Hope for Eternal Peace: In addition to creation, the psalm also highlights deliverance from evil and hope for eternal peace. The Sabbath reminds us that God not only created the world but also actively works to defeat evil and redeem His creation. Sabbath rest allows believers to reflect on God’s redemption work and draw hope for a future of peace and justice.
Overall, Psalm 92 emphasizes the two fundamental aspects of the Sabbath: celebrating God’s creation and preservation and remembering the redemption from evil and hope for eternal peace. The Sabbath serves as a time of worship, gratitude, and anticipation of the fulfillment of God’s promises.
Read Psalm 92 again. What a great hope is offered to us there, and how can we draw comfort from what is written there right now?
Psalm 92 offers a great hope grounded in God’s faithfulness, righteousness, and sovereignty. Here are some key aspects of this comfort and hope that can be drawn from the psalm:
  1. Steadfast Joy and Praise: The psalm emphasizes the importance of thanking the Lord and praising His name both in the morning and in the evening. This steadfastness in praise and gratitude indicates that even in the midst of difficulties and trials, joy in the Lord does not diminish.
  2. The Greatness of God and His Works: The psalm highlights the greatness and glory of God, especially in His works of creation and judgment over evil. The emphasis on creation and judgment reminds us that God is above all and that His plans are unshakable. In times of uncertainty, we can draw comfort from knowing that God is sovereign over all and His intentions cannot be thwarted.
  3. Punishment of the Wicked and Elevation of the Righteous: The psalm proclaims the punishment of the wicked and the elevation of the righteous. This promise of God’s justice gives us comfort when we are confronted with injustice and evil. We can trust that God will ultimately punish evil and elevate the righteous.
  4. Fruitfulness of the Righteous and Their Steadfastness: The psalm compares the righteous to palms and cedars, which thrive in their fruitfulness and steadfastness. These images convey the comfort that those who faithfully serve God will bear fruit and experience steadfastness even in difficult times.
Overall, Psalm 92 offers a hope that is grounded in God’s character, His works, and His promises. Even in the midst of challenges and difficulties, we can draw comfort from the fact that God is sovereign, His justice prevails, and He exalts those who serve Him faithfully.

Psalm 92 offers a great hope grounded in God’s faithfulness, righteousness, and sovereignty. Here are some key aspects of this comfort and hope that can be drawn from the psalm:
  1. Consistent joy and praise: The psalm emphasizes the importance of thanking the Lord and praising His name, both in the morning and in the evening. This consistency in praise and gratitude indicates that even in the midst of difficulties and trials, joy in the Lord does not fade away.
  2. The greatness of God and His works: The psalm highlights the greatness and glory of God, especially in His works of creation and judgment over evil. Emphasizing creation and judgment reminds us that God is above all and that His plans are unshakable. In times of uncertainty, we can find comfort in the fact that God is sovereign over all and His intentions cannot be thwarted.
  3. The punishment of the wicked and the exaltation of the righteous: The psalm proclaims the punishment of the wicked and the exaltation of the righteous. This promise of God’s justice gives us comfort when confronted with injustice and evil. We can trust that God will ultimately punish evil and exalt the righteous.
  4. The fruitfulness of the righteous and their steadfastness: The psalm compares the righteous to palms and cedars, which thrive in their fruitfulness and steadfastness. These images convey the comfort that those who faithfully serve God will bear fruit and experience steadfastness even in difficult times.
Overall, Psalm 92 offers a hope grounded in God’s character, His works, and His promises. Even in the midst of challenges and difficulties, we can find comfort in the fact that God is sovereign, He administers justice, and He exalts those who serve Him faithfully.

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