7 min 1 yr

Series THREE COSMIC MESSAGES with Pastor Mark Finley |
Lesson 6: The Hour of His Judgment  |
Visions of the End Times: From the Cleansing of the Sanctuary to the Second Coming of Christ  |
The sixth lesson delves deeply into the intricate world of biblical end-time prophecies. Starting with Daniel’s vision of the cleansing of the sanctuary, the connection between this pivotal event and the second coming of Christ is illuminated. The 2300 days play a crucial role, with their interpretation and significance for the end times being detailed. Gabriel’s clear instructions to Daniel serve as a bridge between various prophetic visions, offering valuable insights into divine end-time planning. Particularly noteworthy is the precise prediction of Jesus Christ’s baptism and His sacrifice, portrayed as an act of divine love for humanity. Lastly, the year 1844 is introduced as a pivotal date in prophecy, symbolizing the preparation for the final cleansing and Christ’s return.
Memory Text: Romans 13:11,12 – And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand.
6.1 The Cleansing of the Sanctuary

The Connection from Daniel’s Vision to the Cleansing of the Sanctuary and the Coming of Christ
The cleansing of the sanctuary, as depicted in the Bible, plays a central role in understanding the end judgment and the return of Christ. Daniel 8:14 provides a specific timeline of 2300 days for this cleansing, initially puzzling and troubling Daniel. In Daniel 9, the angel Gabriel explains this vision to Daniel, linking it to the mission and death of the upcoming Messiah. This connection reveals that Christ’s death and the impending judgment are directly related, representing the fulfillment of divine prophecies.
6.2 The 2300 Days and the End Time
The 2300 Days: A Key to End Times and Divine Prophecies
The 2300 days in Daniel’s vision are of central importance to understanding the end times. Although some claim they are literal days referring to Antiochus Epiphanes, the angel’s clear instruction indicates they concern the “time of the end,” excluding Antiochus’ timeframe. In Daniel’s vision, Gabriel identifies the ram as Medo-Persia, the goat as Greece, and the little horn as Rome. The little horn represents a phase of Rome that “casts the truth to the ground” and interferes with Christ’s work. The cleansing of the sanctuary symbolizes God’s response to the powers that have attempted to undermine His authority. Gabriel finally explains to Daniel the connection of the 2300 days with the end times, a key aspect in God’s prophetic timeline.
6.3 The Angel’s Instruction to Daniel
The Angel’s Instruction: Key to Linking Daniel’s Visions and End-Time Prophecies
The angel’s instruction to Daniel, “Pay attention to the word and understand the vision,” refers to the unclear part of the vision in Daniel 8 – the 2300 days. In Daniel 9:24-27, Gabriel speaks of 490 years that are “cut off,” relating them to the people of God, the Jews. These 490 years are closely linked to the prophecy of the 2300 days in Daniel 8:14. Using the day-year principle of prophecy, 490 days correspond to 490 literal years, showing that Gabriel helps Daniel understand what was unclear in the previous chapter. Understanding the cleansing of the sanctuary in Daniel 8:14 is therefore crucial for grasping end-time prophecies and the timeline of divine events.
6.4 The Messiah “Cut Off”
The Messiah: Precise Prophecy and Divine Redemption
The 490-year prophecy, starting with the decree of Artaxerxes in 457 B.C., leads us precisely to the year 27 A.D., the year of Jesus Christ’s baptism, the Messiah. Daniel’s precise prediction of Jesus Christ’s baptism and the beginning of His three-and-a-half-year ministry showcases the accuracy and foresight of biblical prophecy. Furthermore, Daniel reveals that the Messiah will be crucified, with Christ’s death portrayed as an act of God’s love for sinners, as emphasized by Paul in Romans 5:6-9. Additionally, Daniel 9:27 confirms that Christ, through His death on the cross, ended the Jewish sacrificial system in its prophetic significance, which was precisely fulfilled at the Passover.
6.5 The Year 1844
The Prophetic Year 1844: Cleansing and Preparation for Christ’s Return
The year 1844 marks the end of the 2300-year prophecy and relates to the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary and preparation for Christ’s return. According to Leviticus 16:16, the sanctuary in the Old Testament was cleansed due to the sins of the people, symbolizing our need for a Savior. This reminds us that Jesus Christ serves as our sacrificial Lamb to protect us from judgment. According to Leviticus 23:26-29, we should examine our hearts, repent, and humble ourselves, just as the Israelites did on the Day of Atonement, teaching us today to prepare for cleansing through Christ.
6.6 Summary
Key Themes of the End Times: From the Sanctuary to Christ’s Second Coming
Lesson 6, “The Hour of His Judgment,” addresses central themes of biblical prophecy and end-time doctrine. It begins by emphasizing the cleansing of the sanctuary in Daniel’s vision and its connection to Christ’s coming. The 2300 days are a key aspect of this prophecy, shedding light on the end times and divine planning. Gabriel’s instructions to Daniel reveal profound insights into connecting various visions and end-time prophecies. The section on the “Messiah ‘Cut Off'” highlights the precision of biblical predictions, especially concerning Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for humanity. Lastly, the year 1844 is introduced as a significant year in prophecy, symbolizing the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary and preparation for Christ’s return.

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