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LIVING FAITH - Daily Reflections from the Sabbath School

Believe His Prophets

Believe His Prophets


1 min 11 mths

Spirit of Prophecy | Pastor Ted Wilson

Everyone enjoys receiving gifts. Whether it be for a birthday, holiday celebration, or as an unexpected act of appreciation, gifts demonstrate that the giver cares for the one they are giving the gift to. Throughout the course of history, the greatest gift-giver of all is […]


12 min 2 weeks

Lesson 11.The Father, the Son, and the Spirit | 11.1 The Heavenly Father | THEMES IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN | LIVING FAITH

Lesson 11.The Father, the Son, and the Spirit The Trinity: Unity in Love, Truth, and Redemption Plan Lesson 11 invites us to understand and appreciate the unity and work of the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—in creation, salvation, and the daily lives of believers. The […]

11.The Father, the Son, and the Spirit Living Faith THEMES IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN
8 min 2 weeks

Lesson 10.The Way, the Truth, and the Life | 10.7 Questions | THEMES IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN | LIVING FAITH

1.Discuss your answers to the last question in the Thursday section. What decisive truths that the Bible conveys could we never, not even approximately, learn from science? For example, the cross? Or the resurrection? Or the second coming? What other important biblical truths must be […]

10.The Way, the Truth, and the Life Living Faith THEMES IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN
13 min 2 weeks

Lesson 10.The Way, the Truth, and the Life | 10.5 From Beneath | THEMES IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN | LIVING FAITH

10.5 From Beneath Human Blindness and Divine Truth Read John 5:38–40. What does Jesus say about the Holy Scripture here? In John 5:38–40, Jesus shows how central the Holy Scripture is for understanding Him as the Messiah and the truth. His words reveal not only […]

10.The Way, the Truth, and the Life Living Faith THEMES IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN