The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Series THE BOOK OF DANIEL with Pastor Mark Finley | The 70 weeks of Daniel chapter 9 is one of the most amazing prophecies in the Bible. It ties into the longest time prophecy in the Bible and proves that God is real by predicting […]
“Judge not that you be not judged” (Matthew 7:1, ESV). Here, Jesus warns us not to judge others by our own standards, “for with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged” (verse 2, KJV). Indeed, how we treat others will come back to us […]
Everyone enjoys receiving gifts. Whether it be for a birthday, holiday celebration, or as an unexpected act of appreciation, gifts demonstrate that the giver cares for the one they are giving the gift to. Throughout the course of history, the greatest gift-giver of all is […]
In this episode, Pastor Ted Wilson talks about the Lord’s Supper based on the sixteenth fundamental belief of the Seventh-day Adventists. The Lord’s Supper is a participation in the emblems of the body and blood of Jesus as an expression of faith in Him. In […]
Series THE GOD OF LOVE AND JUSTICE with Pastor Mark Finley | Lesson 3.To Be Pleasing to God | Living for the Honor of God | God desires a close and loving relationship with every person, regardless of our faults and weaknesses. Through His infinite […]
Sabbath School The God of Love and Justice3.4 Living Stones Pleasing God in Christ Read Romans 8:1 and 5:8. What do these verses teach us about our position before God? The verses Romans 8:1 and Romans 5:8 reveal a powerful truth about our position before God: We are free from condemnation and […]
3.To Be Pleasing to God Living Faith THE GOD OF LOVE AND JUSTICEDavid and Sam interview Erton Köhler, the Executive Secretary of the General Conference, about his history in ministry, and about his vision for worldwide mission. In particular, they talk about the GC’s “Mission Refocus” initiative, which aims to revitalize mission and involve more of the […]
Mission 150Sam and David interview Douglas Venn, who with his family served ten years as missionaries in Southeast Asia. Doug now serves as leader of “Adventist Possibility Ministries”, which aims to minister to (and mobilize for mission) people with disabilities, health challenges, and their careers. 00
Mission 150David and Sam tell the story of how Adventist church leaders, in the depths of World War II, when some might have retrenched, instead adopted a bold plan to prepare missionaries for the first moment that missionaries would be able to be sent out again. […]
Mission 150David and Sam are joined by the distinguished Adventist historian Alberto Timm to talk about the origins and early history of Adventist mission in South America. The work began with a dedicated self-supporting lay missionary. 00
Mission 150Dear Readers, In the deepest depths of his suffering, Job posed existential questions that concern us all: “What is man, that you make so much of him, and that you set your heart on him, visit him every morning and test him every moment? How […]
Biblical Wisdom for Daily Living The Secret of Suffering and ComfortThe preceding texts illuminate various facets of dealing with people in positions of power, be it in religious, political, or social contexts. The central message lies in the recognition that God is capable of using people in influential positions and that it is our duty […]
9.Mission to the Powerful GOD'S MISSION - MY MISSION Living FaithIn this episode, Sam and David talk about some of the early missionaries to the Middle East, about the sacrifices they made, about what historic photographs can tell us about Adventist history, and about the tendency to over-work among Adventist pastors and administrators. Some of […]
Mission 150Dear Readers, In our imagination, it may be challenging to conceive of living for several centuries. Methuselah, whose life is described in the book of Genesis, lived for 969 years – a timespan we can hardly fathom. Yet even he could not escape fate: death, […]
Biblical Wisdom for Daily Living The Secret of Suffering and ComfortJesus’s relationship with the powerful was complex and instructive. The account of Joseph of Arimathea in Matthew 27:57–60 gives us insight into how the Lord used a rich man who was evidently influenced by Jesus. Joseph of Arimathea appears unexpectedly in the narrative, almost out […]
9.Mission to the Powerful GOD'S MISSION - MY MISSION Living Faith This episode looks at how missionaries to China fell in love with the country and its people but had to face local diseases for which there were no cures, so that misssionaries took terrible risks in their service. For more about the stories shared […]
Mission 150Dear Readers, Job, amidst his profound suffering, finds powerful words to describe his anguish: “Oh, that my grief were fully weighed, and my calamity laid with it on the scales! For then it would be heavier than the sand of the sea; therefore, my words […]
Biblical Wisdom for Daily Living The Secret of Suffering and ComfortThe encounter of Jesus with the rich young man in Matthew 19:16–22 offers significant insights into how wealth can pose a challenge to accepting salvation. In contrast to Nicodemus, the rich young man could not accept Jesus’ call, and this episode teaches us important lessons. […]
9.Mission to the Powerful GOD'S MISSION - MY MISSION Living FaithDear readers, Imagine you are in Job’s position. Your life is falling apart, without any apparent reason or meaning. Everything you worked for, all the blessings bestowed upon you, are dissolving before your eyes. It seems as if the universe is in chaotic disarray, without […]
Biblical Wisdom for Daily Living The Secret of Suffering and ComfortThe story of Nicodemus in John 3 provides a fascinating insight into the spiritual needs of a highly educated man and how Jesus immediately addressed those needs. Nicodemus was not only a respected leader among the Jews but also a teacher of Israel. His outward […]
9.Mission to the Powerful GOD'S MISSION - MY MISSION Living Faith