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LIVING FAITH - Daily Reflections from the Sabbath School

Believe His Prophets


1 min 8 mths

Spirit of Prophecy | Pastor Ted Wilson

Everyone enjoys receiving gifts. Whether it be for a birthday, holiday celebration, or as an unexpected act of appreciation, gifts demonstrate that the giver cares for the one they are giving the gift to. Throughout the course of history, the greatest gift-giver of all is […]


Adventist News Network – August 11, 2023

1 min 1 yr

Adventist News Network – August 11, 2023  | This week on ANN:  | AdventHealth provides medical care to NASCAR participants.  | Safety campaign launches in South American Adventist schools.  | Online resources are reaching Chinese people worldwide.  | Communities in North America are being impacted […]

1 min 1 yr

Adventist News Network – August 4, 2023

Adventist News Network – August 4, 2023  | This week on ANN:  | The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mexico welcomed more than 21,000 people.  | Program, “It’s Our Time, Today, Not Tomorrow” inspires young people to share the message of hope through books. | ADRA […]