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LIVING FAITH - Daily Reflections from the Sabbath School

Believe His Prophets


1 min 7 mths

Spirit of Prophecy | Pastor Ted Wilson

Everyone enjoys receiving gifts. Whether it be for a birthday, holiday celebration, or as an unexpected act of appreciation, gifts demonstrate that the giver cares for the one they are giving the gift to. Throughout the course of history, the greatest gift-giver of all is […]

LIVING FAITH - Daily Reflections from the Sabbath School


1 min 12 mths

The Great Controversy Chapter 14 Part 1: Later English Reformers – Pastor Ted Wilson

The Great Controversy Chapter 14: Later English Reformers – This week, Pastor Ted Wilson discusses Chapter 14 of The Great Controversy, “Later English Reformers,” in which, Erasmus, the Dutch theologian, published his famous Greek New Testament, which would become the standard from which Martin Luther […]

Pastor Ted Wilson The Great Controversy EGW