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LIVING FAITH - Daily Reflections from the Sabbath School

Believe His Prophets


1 min 8 mths

Spirit of Prophecy | Pastor Ted Wilson

Everyone enjoys receiving gifts. Whether it be for a birthday, holiday celebration, or as an unexpected act of appreciation, gifts demonstrate that the giver cares for the one they are giving the gift to. Throughout the course of history, the greatest gift-giver of all is […]


5 min 10 mths

Curse the Day | In the Shadow of Despair – The Struggle with the Meaning of Life (Let the Day Perish)

Dear readers, Imagine you are Job. A life seemingly firmly rooted in God’s hands is crumbling before your eyes. Everything you worked for, all the blessings bestowed upon you, suddenly turn to dust. And the incomprehensible part is that there seems to be neither a […]

Biblical Wisdom for Daily Living The Secret of Suffering and Comfort