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3.3 Hearing or Not Hearing the Word
Hearing the Word or Rejecting It: People’s Reaction to the Light
Read John 1:9–13. What bitter reality does John describe here: How do people react to Jesus?
In John 1:9–13, John portrays a bitter reality: Although Jesus is the true Light that enlightens everyone, He is not accepted by all. These verses illustrate the gap between what God offers through Jesus and the people’s response to it. Jesus came into the world He created, yet He was not recognized and welcomed by many, including His own people.
John presents here a tragic truth: the light that is revealed to everyone is not accepted by all. This reminds us that while the Gospel is accessible to all people, the decision to accept Jesus as the Light and Savior must be made individually. This rejection is not only historically seen in the people of Israel but is also a contemporary issue, as many people today reject or ignore the light of Christ.
Despite this rejection, John emphasizes a powerful hope: to all who receive Jesus and believe in His name, He gives the right to become children of God. This shows that the door to salvation is always open, and through faith, anyone can become part of God’s family.
For us today, this presents an invitation: Will we welcome the light of Jesus or reject it? John makes it clear that the decision to accept Jesus is life-changing, leading us into a deep and transformative relationship with God as His children. This message is the heart of the Gospel that John proclaims: faith in Jesus Christ brings eternal life and a new identity as children of God.
How has your life changed by becoming a son or daughter of God?
The realization of being a son or daughter of God changes life profoundly. It gives one a new identity that is not based on external circumstances, success, or human recognition but on God’s unconditional love and acceptance. This identity as a child of God brings several transformative changes:
  1. Deep Peace and Security Knowing that you are unconditionally loved by God provides deep inner peace, even in difficult life situations. You can rely on God’s promises and care, knowing that you are never alone.
  2. New Purpose and Meaning in Life As a child of God, you receive a new perspective on life. You recognize that you belong to a greater plan and have a calling to influence the world through the love of Christ. This gives life new depth and meaning.
  3. Forgiveness and Freedom Realizing that God has forgiven all sins through Jesus Christ brings immense freedom. Instead of being crushed by guilt and failure, you live in the assurance of forgiveness and the possibility to start anew each day.
  4. Love for Others As a child of God, you are empowered to love others in a new way—with patience, compassion, and without expecting anything in return. The love you have received from God becomes the driving force to extend that love to others.
  5. Hope for the Future The certainty of being a child of God gives deep hope for eternity. This hope carries you through the highs and lows of life, knowing that the best is yet to come—the eternal life in fellowship with God.
These changes do not necessarily make life easier, but they provide deeper joy, strength, and confidence that flow from the relationship with God as Father.
The doctrine of “Hearing the Word or Not Hearing It” and people’s reaction to the light of Jesus has a direct connection to our everyday lives and faith. John 1:9–13 shows that the light came into the world but was not accepted by everyone. This truth is also reflected in our daily lives and challenges us to consciously decide how we respond to Jesus and His word.
Connection to Our Daily Lives:
  1. Daily Decision for the Light In our daily lives, we continually face the choice to hear God’s word or ignore it. This manifests in both small and large decisions—whether to trust God in difficult situations, to let His principles guide us, or to be distracted by the world. Each day offers the opportunity to let the light of Jesus influence our decisions and actions.
  2. Dealing with Rejection and Resistance The fact that many people rejected Jesus then and continue to reject Him today reminds us that our faith often faces resistance. This rejection can come from those around us who do not understand or want to accept the Gospel. Nevertheless, Scripture encourages us to remain steadfast in our relationship with God and to let the light within us shine, even if others reject it.
  3. Responsibility to Share the Light As followers of Jesus, we carry the responsibility to share the light we have received with others. This means bearing witness in our daily lives—through our actions, words, and behavior. The world needs the light of Jesus, and we are called to carry it into our surroundings, even if not everyone accepts it immediately.
  4. Our Identity as Children of God Knowing that we are children of God through faith in Jesus gives us daily security and purpose. This identity provides a foundation for our actions and how we handle challenges. We do not live by our own strength but with the assurance that we belong to God and are loved by Him.
  5. Hope and Comfort in Faith The certainty that we, as children of God, have eternal life gives us unwavering hope that shapes our daily lives. Even in difficult moments or times of rejection, we know that our lives are in God’s hands and that we have an eternal future in fellowship with Him. This hope gives us strength and joy that surpass daily challenges.
The decision to hear the word or not shapes our daily lives and our faith. By accepting the light of Jesus as our Savior and living as children of God, we gain a new perspective that influences our actions, thoughts, and relationships. Our faith becomes not just a spiritual theory but a living reality that transforms our lives and empowers us to live in the love, freedom, and hope that God gives us.

Our faith in Jesus is not only shown in words but in the active decision to accept His light in our lives and follow Him.

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