3 min 11 mths

The Book of Job reveals a fascinating conversation between God and Satan regarding a faithful servant of God. Satan suggests that Job is a servant of God because he was showered with blessings and prosperity. He claims that Job maintained his faith due to these blessings and would lose it once these blessings were taken away. Satan implies that Job’s loyalty depends on his personal gain.
In a way, Satan poses a challenging question to all of us: Why do we serve God? If we’re honest, we might have wondered if our motives are pure and selfless.
Imagine if our faith and loyalty to God were based on external blessings—wealth, happiness, or health. What happens if these things are suddenly taken away? Would we remain as steadfast in our faith?
The truth is, our motives may often be shaped by selfishness and our own needs. Perhaps, we serve God in hope of blessings or a better life. But what if these motives aren’t pure? Should we wait until our motives are perfect before living out our faith?
The reality is, none of us is perfect. We all carry traces of selfishness and weakness in our motives. But that doesn’t render our service to God meaningless or invalid. We are called to live out our faith and strive for perfection, even when we are not perfect. We may bring our imperfections and selfish motives before God and let Him transform us.
Let’s trust that God is working on our hearts, shaping us in His love as we continue our service to Him. Let’s not be discouraged by our imperfections but encourage each other to live out our faith, examine our hearts, and lay our motives before God.
Prayer: Lord, reveal to us the true motives of our hearts. Change and purify our intentions as we serve You. Let us recognize Your strength in our weaknesses and be guided by Your love as we live out our faith. Amen.

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