3 min 11 mths

Dear Readers,
At the heart of Job’s suffering, we find his friends who gathered to mourn with him in the face of his heavy fate. The Bible describes how they initially sat in silence, overwhelmed by the tragedy unfolding before them. However, when Job finally broke the silence and voiced his complaints, they had many words of advice and supposed wisdom.
Eliphaz, one of Job’s friends, revealed in his words a questionable theology and a shocking lack of empathy. His words could serve as an introduction to a book on grief counseling titled, “What Not to Say to a Grieving Person.” Instead of being compassionate, Eliphaz seemed to prioritize theological clarity over empathetic comfort.
The essence of Eliphaz’s statements could be understood as follows: The sufferings experienced by Job were a result of his supposed guilt because God is just, and only the wicked would undergo such suffering.
We can imagine how unconsoling such words are for someone in profound grief. Similar to telling an accident victim that they deserve the punishment for their mistakes, Eliphaz’s advice is marked by a lack of empathy and a failure to understand the complexity of human suffering.
In our own experiences of offering comfort, let us remember how empathetic words and supportive gestures can make a difference. Let us learn from these experiences to better respond to others in times of grief.
May our compassion run deeper than mere words, and may our readiness to console transcend theological considerations so that we can truly offer support and love.
Loving God,
We come to you with hearts yearning for comfort in the midst of sorrow. We think of Job and his friends as they mourned together and exchanged words. In these moments of pain, we recognize the importance of compassion and empathy.
Help us respond lovingly and empathetically to the needs of those grappling with grief. Let us learn from Job’s story that not all advice and words of comfort are helpful. May our support go beyond words and be guided by the power of your love.
We pray for those who are suffering today, whether through loss, pain, or tragedies. May they experience the embracing presence of your comfort. Grant us wisdom as we attempt to offer solace, and open our hearts to the deep needs of our fellow human beings.
In these moments of silence, we entrust all our thoughts, feelings, and concerns to you, knowing that you are a God of comfort and love.
In the name of your son Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

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