14 min 3 mths

1.”Love must be the driving force behind everything we do. According to the principle of love, God governs heaven and earth.” How does the cross reveal this amazing truth? How can we reflect this kind of love in our lives? Why must we do this?
  1. The Cross as a Revelation of God’s Love
The cross of Jesus Christ is the greatest revelation of divine love. It shows us that love is the driving force behind all of God’s actions.
  • Self-Sacrifice: Jesus gave his life out of love for us. He took up the cross to bear the sins of the world and give us the possibility of salvation. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
  • Unconditional Love: The love revealed on the cross is unconditional. Jesus died for us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8). This shows that God’s love does not depend on our actions or merits.
  1. Reflecting This Kind of Love in Our Lives We are called to reflect the love we have experienced at the cross in our own lives. Here are some ways we can do this:
  • Self-Sacrifice and Service: Like Jesus, we are called to serve others and sacrifice for them. This means putting aside our own needs and desires to help and serve others.
  • Forgiveness and Grace: We should forgive others as we have been forgiven. This means not holding grudges and forgiving those who have wronged us.
  • Unconditional Love: Our love should not depend on others’ actions or merits. We should love all people, regardless of who they are or what they have done.
  1. Why We Must Reflect This Love
  • God’s Command: Jesus commanded us to love one another. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34). This love is the mark of being a follower of Jesus.
  • Testimony to the World: By our love for one another, people will know that we are Jesus’ disciples (John 13:35). Our love is a testimony to the world and shows the transformative power of the gospel.
  • Healing and Transformation: Love has the power to heal and transform. When we reflect Christ’s love in our lives, we can heal relationships, bring peace, and positively influence the world around us.
Conclusion: The cross is the ultimate sign of God’s love, and we are called to reflect this love in our lives. By serving selflessly, forgiving, and loving unconditionally, we fulfill God’s command and bear witness to His love in the world. This love has the power to transform our lives and the world around us.

2.What would you say to someone who claims that Jesus told parables to keep outsiders in the dark? Why would Jesus, who died for every person (see 1 John 2:2), intentionally leave people, for whose salvation He died on the cross, in ignorance?
1.Understanding Jesus’ Intent with Parables
Purpose of Parables:
  • Focus on Revelation and Reflection:
    • Purpose of Parables: Jesus used parables not to deliberately keep people in the dark, but to reveal deeper spiritual truths. Parables are vivid stories that use everyday images to convey complex spiritual concepts.
    • Testing Heart Attitudes: Jesus’ parables challenge listeners to think more deeply and examine their inner attitudes. They serve as a mirror reflecting the readiness and openness of the heart.
  1. Biblical Passages Explaining the Purpose of Parables
  • Mark 4:10–12:
    • Explanation to Disciples: In Mark 4:10–12, Jesus explains to his disciples why he speaks in parables. He quotes Isaiah 6:9–10 to show that many people hear and see but do not understand and perceive. This is not because of the parables themselves, but due to people’s hard-heartedness and prejudices.
    • Spiritual Blindness: Those who do not understand are often blinded by their own prejudices and unwillingness to change. Parables are a means to reveal this spiritual blindness.
  • Matthew 13:10–17:
    • Given to Disciples: In Matthew 13:10–17, Jesus explains that the secrets of the kingdom of heaven are given to the disciples, while others are left in the dark. This means that those who are willing to hear and understand can perceive the depth of spiritual truths.
    • Revelation for Seekers: Parables reveal deep spiritual truths for those who genuinely seek and have an open heart.
  1. Love and Redemptive Will of Jesus
  • Jesus Died for All:
    • 1 John 2:2: “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.” Jesus died for the sins of all people. His sacrifice on the cross shows his unconditional love and desire for all to be saved.
  • No Exclusion by Jesus:
    • Call for Openness: Jesus did not intend to exclude or keep people in ignorance. Instead, he wanted people to reflect on their spiritual state and open their hearts to God’s truth.
  1. Practical Application and Encouragement
  • Encouragement to Seek Truth:
    • Active Seeking: Jesus’ parables encourage us to actively seek truth and open our hearts to God’s teachings. This means being willing to reflect on what we hear and to change.
    • Faith Community: In the community of believers, we can explore the depth of parables together and develop a deeper understanding.
  • Trust in God’s Revelation:
    • Divine Guidance: We can trust that God, through His Holy Spirit, will guide us and help us understand the spiritual truths hidden in the parables.
    • Patience and Perseverance: Spiritual understanding often comes gradually. We must be patient and persistent in exploring Jesus’ teachings.
Conclusion: Jesus used parables not to deliberately keep people in the dark, but to convey deeper spiritual truths and test the listeners’ hearts. Parables challenge us to open our hearts and actively seek spiritual understanding. Jesus died for all people, and his teachings are meant to help us recognize the truth and grow in our faith.

3.A lamp should be placed on a stand, not under a basket (Mark 4:21). Apply this principle to your church’s involvement in your community. How can you position the light higher?
Applying the Principle to Community Engagement: A lamp should be placed on a stand, not under a basket (Mark 4:21). This principle emphasizes that the light – the truth and love of God – should not be hidden but made visible. Here are practical ways for the church to apply this principle to its community engagement to position Christ’s light higher:
  1. Public Testimony and Evangelism
  • Making Faith Visible:
    • Evangelistic Events: Organize public events such as open-air services, evangelistic concerts, or street evangelism to publicly proclaim the gospel.
    • Sharing Testimonies: Encourage church members to share their faith stories and testimonies publicly to show how God is working in their lives.
  • Spreading Faith Through Media:
    • Social Media: Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to share sermons, devotions, and encouraging messages, reaching a broader audience.
    • Local Media: Publish articles in local newspapers or create a radio program to spread the message of the gospel.
  1. Service to the Community
  • Social Justice and Charity:
    • Relief Projects: Initiate projects such as food banks, clothing drives, or homeless shelters to help the needy in the community.
    • Family Support: Offer support for families through programs like parenting classes, tutoring for children, or counseling services.
  • Partnerships with Local Organizations:
    • Collaboration: Work with local charities and social services to undertake joint projects and expand the reach of the church’s engagement.
    • Sharing Resources: Provide church facilities for community projects or meetings of other organizations.
  1. Education and Empowerment
  • Educational Initiatives:
    • Educational Programs: Organize educational programs and workshops on topics like financial management, job preparation, or health care.
    • Bible Schools and Courses: Offer Bible schools or faith courses to help people deepen their faith and learn more about the gospel.
  • Youth and Young Adult Empowerment:
    • Youth Groups: Strengthen youth group activities with regular meetings, recreational activities, and mentoring programs.
    • Scholarships and Support: Support youth and young adults in their education through scholarships or practical help like tutoring or job preparation.
  1. Welcoming Community
  • Open and Inviting Atmosphere:
    • Hospitality: Be hospitable and open to all who visit the church. Organize regular community events like church picnics or barbecues to build relationships.
    • Inclusivity: Create an inclusive environment where people from all social backgrounds feel welcome.
  • Participation and Involvement:
    • Membership and Volunteering: Encourage church members to actively participate in various church services and activities.
    • Feedback and Involvement: Provide opportunities for church members to give feedback and participate in decisions to foster a sense of belonging and responsibility.
  1. Prayer and Spiritual Support
  • Praying for the Community:
    • Prayer Walks: Organize prayer walks through the town, praying for the people and the concerns of the community.
    • Public Prayer Events: Host prayer meetings or prayer evenings open to non-church members as well.
  • Spiritual Guidance and Counseling:
    • Pastoral Care: Offer pastoral care services for people in need, regardless of their religious affiliation.
    • Small Groups: Promote the formation of small groups where people can find spiritual community and support.
Conclusion: By positioning Christ’s light higher and strengthening its presence in the community, the church can be a powerful witness to God’s love and truth. Through public evangelism, social service, educational initiatives, welcoming community, and spiritual support, the church can place the light on a stand and carry the gospel into the world.

4.Consider the Parable of the Growing Seed (Mark 4:26–29). What role does the human play in helping the seed of the gospel grow, and what role does God play? Although we clearly have a role, how can we still ensure that we are completely dependent on God? Could this attitude of total dependence…
In the Parable of the Growing Seed, Jesus describes the growth of the Kingdom of God through the image of a farmer who sows seeds. This parable emphasizes both the role of the human and the crucial role of God in the growth process.
The Role of Humans
Sowing the Seed:
  • Proclaiming the Gospel: The primary task of humans is to sow the seed of the gospel. This is done through preaching, teaching, personal testimonies, and living by the principles of faith.
  • Engagement and Service: Humans play an active role by carrying God’s word into the world and making the gospel come alive through good deeds and charity.
Waiting and Trusting:
  • Patience: After sowing the seed, humans patiently wait for growth. This requires trust in the process and willingness to accept God’s timing.
  • Continuous Nurture: Humans can positively influence the environment for growth through prayer, community, and support of the faith community.
The Role of God
Mysterious Growth:
  • Divine Power: The actual growth of the seed happens by God’s hand. Humans cannot force or fully understand the growth process.
  • Creative Power: God works in secret, bringing the seed to maturity. He is the one who causes growth and determines the final outcome.
Harvest Time:
  • Completion: God determines the time of harvest, symbolizing the fulfillment of God’s kingdom and the return of Christ, who completes the work that has grown in secret.
Ensuring Total Dependence on God
  1. Acknowledging Our Own Limits:
  • Humility: Recognize that as humans, we have limited control and that true growth comes from God. This attitude of humility helps us acknowledge our dependence on God’s work.
  • Trust: Trust in God’s plans and timing, even when we do not fully understand the process. This strengthens our faith in His wisdom and power.
  1. Prayer and Spiritual Practice:
  • Regular Prayer: Seek God’s guidance and help in prayer. Ask Him to cause growth and fulfill His plans.
  • Bible Study: Deepen our understanding of God’s work through studying the Scriptures and recognizing His sovereignty.
  1. Community and Support:
  • Church Community: Encourage and support each other in the community of believers to trust in God and wait on Him. Joint prayer and sharing strengthen our dependence on God.
  • Mentoring and Pastoral Care: Learn to deepen our dependence on God through spiritual guidance and mentoring, and support each other.
  1. Practical Applications:
  • Charity and Service: By serving others, we demonstrate God’s love and trust that He works through our actions.
  • Giving Testimonies: Sharing our experiences and how we have seen God work in our lives encourages others and strengthens our faith.
Attitude of Total Dependence An attitude of total dependence on God means placing our trust and hope not in our own abilities, but in God’s power and wisdom. This attitude can be cultivated through humility, prayer, community support, and practical applications of faith. Through these measures, we ensure that we always rely on God and acknowledge His guidance and work in our lives and the world.

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