10 min 8 mths

Lesson 7 illuminates the theme of God’s goodness as depicted in various Psalms of the Bible. The Psalms serve as a rich source to recognize and understand God’s goodness in different facets.
In Psalm 103, God’s goodness is portrayed as comprehensive and immeasurable. He blesses His people with numerous blessings and remembers their weaknesses to meet them with compassion. People are called to praise God for His goodness and to remember His benefits.
In Psalm 113 and 123, both the majesty and the grace of God are praised. His throne is above the heavens, yet He graciously stoops down to the needy and the weak. People are encouraged to remember God’s majesty and goodness and to praise Him for it.
Psalm 130 addresses the weight of sin and the hope of forgiveness through God. Despite our sins and our lostness, the Psalmist calls out to God for forgiveness and relies on His infinite grace.
In summary, the lesson illustrates how God’s goodness is depicted in various Psalms of the Bible. It encourages remembering God’s goodness, praising Him for it, and trusting in His forgiveness and mercy. Ultimately, it invites daily reflection and growth in faith by rejoicing in God’s boundless goodness.


The connection between the depicted aspects of God’s goodness and our daily life in faith is profound and meaningful. Here are some points on how this connection could manifest:
  1. Gratitude and Praise: By consciously remembering God’s goodness and reflecting on its extent, we can be grateful and praise God. This gratitude can help change our perspective in everyday life and consider our challenges in a larger context.
  2. Trust and Hope: Knowing that God’s goodness is boundless and extends beyond all limits can give us trust and hope, even in difficult times. We can trust that God will never leave us and always surrounds us with His grace and love.
  3. Remembrance of God’s Faithfulness: By remembering God’s goodness, we can also hold onto His faithfulness to His people and His promises. This remembrance can help us remain steadfast in faith, even when faced with doubts or uncertainties.
  4. Following and Serving: God’s goodness also motivates us to extend it to others and express it in our own lives. We can strive to practice kindness and mercy in our relationships and community by showing others love, forgiveness, and support.
  5. Strengthening of Faith: Regularly reflecting on God’s goodness and His love for us can strengthen our faith and help us grow spiritually. By consciously remembering God’s goodness, we can enter deeper into a relationship with Him and develop a more intimate connection with our Creator.
Overall, the recognition and acknowledgment of God’s goodness have a transformative power that can positively influence our daily life in faith by giving us hope, comfort, strengthening, and inspiration.


1.What practical implications does the fact that God’s mercy endures forever have on the salvation of people? Why does this not mean that one can continue to sin because God’s mercy endures forever?

The fact that God’s mercy endures forever has several practical implications on the salvation of people:
  1. Hope and Comfort: The certainty that God’s mercy never ends gives people hope and comfort, even when they have sinned. They know that they can always turn to God’s grace to receive forgiveness and renewal.
  2. Motivation for Repentance: God’s eternal mercy encourages people to repent and turn away from their sins. They understand that it is never too late to turn back, and that God’s love and forgiveness are always available to them.
  3. Trust in God’s Faithfulness: The fact that God’s mercy endures forever strengthens people’s trust in God’s faithfulness to His promise of salvation. They can be sure that God will never abandon or give up on them, but will always be with them to guide and support them.
  4. Encouragement for Following: Since God’s mercy is not conditional, it encourages people to live a life of holiness and devotion. They recognize that they are not only dependent on God’s grace but also called to live according to His will and turn away from sin.
However, it is important to emphasize that the fact that God’s mercy endures forever does not mean that one can continue to sin. Rather, it should lead to a deeper understanding of God’s holiness and a sincere effort towards sanctification and discipleship. Sin separates us from God and causes harm in our relationships and lives. By turning away from sin and turning to God, we demonstrate our gratitude for His infinite mercy and love.


2.How can the forgiveness of our sins by God be reconciled with the concept of God’s judgment of sin?

The forgiveness of our sins by God and the concept of God’s judgment of sin are two important aspects of divine action that may appear contradictory at first glance but can actually be reconciled:
1.God’s Love and Mercy: The forgiveness of our sins is an expression of God’s love and mercy. God is willing to forgive us and provide us with the opportunity for repentance because He loves us and desires what is best for us. This mercy is demonstrated in His desire to free us from the burden of sin and bring us into a close relationship with Him.
2.God’s Justice and Holiness: God’s judgment of sin is an expression of His justice and holiness. As a holy and just God, He cannot ignore or simply overlook sin. His justice demands that sin be punished, and His judgment of sin is an expression of this divine justice.
However, these two aspects can be reconciled through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Through His death on the cross, Jesus bore the punishment for our sins and provided us with the opportunity for forgiveness and reconciliation with God. In this way, God demonstrates both His love and mercy and His justice and holiness. Jesus bore our punishment so that we could be freed from our sins, and at the same time, God upheld His justice by punishing sin.
Overall, the forgiveness of our sins by God and His judgment of sin demonstrate the various aspects of His nature and character that are in perfect harmony with each other.


3.How do the expressions of God’s goodness in the New Testament relate to those in the Psalms (Eph 2:4–5; 1 Tim 1:16; Titus 3:5; Heb 4:16)?

The expressions of God’s goodness in the New Testament find a clear parallel to the statements in the Psalms, particularly concerning God’s mercy, forgiveness, and grace. Here are some examples from the New Testament that correspond to the Psalms:
1.Ephesians 2:4–5: “But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved).” This reminds us of the many Psalms that speak of God’s mercy and love, such as Psalm 103, which emphasizes God’s mercy, or Psalm 136, which repeatedly emphasizes that God’s goodness endures forever.
2. 1 Timothy 1:16: “However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life.” Here we see God’s grace that Paul experienced firsthand. This echoes Psalms like Psalm 51, where David pleads for God’s grace and forgiveness, or Psalm 103, which speaks of God’s infinite grace.
3.Titus 3:5: “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.” Again, God’s mercy is emphasized here as the foundation of our salvation. This is reminiscent of Psalms like Psalm 136, which praises the immeasurable grace of God.
4.Hebrews 4:16: “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
This encourages us to approach God with confidence, who grants us His mercy and grace. Similarly, the Psalms emphasize the importance of trusting in God’s mercy and grace, such as Psalm 62, which says, “God alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.”
Overall, these New Testament verses demonstrate how the expressions of God’s goodness found in the Psalms continue to resonate within the context of the Christian faith, emphasizing the enduring nature of God’s mercy and grace.

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