6 min 10 mths

13.2 The Three Angels’ Messages and Mission

Read Revelation 14:6–12. What is portrayed in these verses, and what do these verses have to do with our mission and message?
The verses in Revelation 14:6–12 are part of a passage known as the “Three Angels’ Messages.” In these verses, a message is delivered that contains both a warning and a call to choose God. Here is a general summary:
  1. Revelation 14:6-7: The First Angel’s Message An angel proclaims “the everlasting gospel” and calls people to fear God, give Him glory, and worship Him as the Creator.
  2. Revelation 14:8: The Second Angel’s Message A second angel announces the fall of Babylon, often interpreted as a symbol of a system in rebellion against God.
  3. Revelation 14:9-12: The Third Angel’s Message The third angel warns against receiving the “mark of the beast” and emphasizes the severe consequences for those who accept it.
These verses highlight the urgency of choosing God and rejecting false systems that oppose His will. It emphasizes the exhortation to remain faithful and worship the true God while being warned about the consequences of wrong choices.
In terms of mission and message, this could mean that believers are called to warn people about the dangers of false worship and decisions. The mission involves proclaiming the gospel, calling people to worship God, and cautioning against the consequences of rejecting God. It reminds us that the message is not only an invitation to faith but also a warning about the consequences of rejecting God and accepting false teachings.
“He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters” (Luke 11:23). What is Jesus saying here that directly relates to our mission?
In Luke 11:23, Jesus states: “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters.” This statement emphasizes the necessity of a clear decision for Jesus Christ. Jesus is making it clear that there is no neutral position. One is either for Him or against Him, either gathering with Him or scattering.
In relation to Seventh-day Adventists and our mission, this statement underscores the importance of a clear commitment to the gospel and the worship of the Creator, as outlined in the Three Angels’ Messages of Revelation 14. The mission of Seventh-day Adventists is at the core of these messages: to proclaim the everlasting gospel and promote the worship of the true God.
The reminder that there is no neutral position supports the idea that the Adventist message is not only an invitation to faith but also a clear warning about the consequences of rejecting God and the gospel. The mission involves calling people to decide for Christ so that they are not scattered but gather with what the everlasting gospel and worship of the Creator represent.
“He who is not with Me is against Me” (Luke 11:23). How do you understand what Jesus is telling us here? Why should these words prompt us to examine where our heart truly is?
The statement “He who is not with Me is against Me” (Luke 11:23) emphasizes the exclusivity of the decision for or against Jesus Christ. Jesus is making it clear that there is no middle ground. One is either actively with Him, standing by His side and following Him, or one is against Him.
These words should prompt us to examine our hearts and reconsider our relationship with Jesus. Here are some reasons why these words should encourage reflection on our own stance:
  1. Clear Decision: Jesus’ statement emphasizes the need for a clear decision. There is no room for indecision or indifference. Each person must decide whether they are for Christ or against Him.
  2. Exclusivity of Faith: Jesus claims an exclusive position. He is not one of many ways; He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). Therefore, following Jesus requires a clear and exclusive commitment.
  3. Spiritual Alignment: These words call for an examination of the alignment of our hearts. Are we actively striving to be with Jesus, to follow Him, and to obey His teachings? Or are we indifferent or even opposed to the principles of faith?
  4. Decision for the Good: A clear decision for Jesus is also a decision for the good, for love, justice, and truth. It is a decision against evil and against anything that opposes Jesus.
Overall, these words remind us that our faith is not merely a passive stance but an active and decisive commitment. They urge us to examine our hearts to ensure that our dedication to Christ is not only superficial but represents a deeply rooted, vibrant relationship with Him.

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