4 min 1 yr

Series GOD’S MISSION, MY MISSION with Pastor Mark Finley  |
Lesson 3: God’s Call to Mission  |
Memory Text: 1: Acts 1:8 – But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.  |
Content:  |
3.1 Moving Beyond Our Comfort Zone
The story of the Tower of Babel reminds us how the desire to stay in our comfort zone and surround ourselves only with like-minded individuals can lead to selfish and harmful intentions. The people building the tower had ambitious plans to make a name for themselves, but their lack of trust in God’s promise and their selfish motives ultimately led to their failure. This story serves as a reminder of the importance of examining our intentions and stepping out of our comfort zone to trust in God’s plans and promises.
3.2 Becoming a Blessing to the Whole World
The story of Abraham (formerly Abram) reminds us that God’s instructions often serve as a call to mission. When God called Abraham to leave his land and move to a new land, it was part of God’s plan to use Abraham as a means to fulfill His divine intentions. Abraham obeyed in faith, without knowing exactly how everything would unfold. This willingness to follow God’s call underscores the importance of trusting our faith and being ready to step out of our comfort zone for God’s mission in our lives.
3.3 Abraham’s Call
The story of Abraham’s calling reminds us that the path of faith is not always easy and can be fraught with challenges. Although Abraham obeyed God and moved to the land shown to him, he encountered difficulties and famine. His lack of trust even led to a dishonest act in Egypt. However, Abraham’s story shows that God is patient and remains by our side despite our mistakes and weaknesses when we hold onto faith in Him. This narrative encourages us to maintain our faith amidst difficulties and temptations, as God can still fulfill His plan through us.
3.4 The Early Church and Comfort Zones
The early church was forcefully scattered beyond its comfort zone due to persecution, primarily instigated by Saul. This compelled believers to spread the message of the Gospel to other regions, aligning with Jesus’ original promise in Acts 1:8. Initially, their proclamation was limited to Jewish territories and the Jewish population in other cities. The church had limited perceptions of its mission.
3.5 Starting From Where You Are
The principle Jesus highlights in Acts 1:8 emphasizes the importance of beginning our witness where we are physically located. This means being witnesses in our immediate surroundings, whether it be within our family, community, neighborhood, or workplace. It reminds us that mission extends not only to distant places but also involves crossing cultural boundaries to spread Jesus’ message. These verses encourage us to start in our vicinity and be prepared to go to other areas and reach various social and ethnic groups to share the love and gospel of Jesus.

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