11 min 4 mths

10.6 Summary
The Biblical Truth About Spiritism and the Need to Stand Firm
Spiritism poses dangerous consequences as it leads people away from God and lulls them into a false sense of spiritual security. The Bible warns against such practices, stating that they are inspired by Satan and endanger eternal salvation.
In the Old Testament, death is described as a state of unconsciousness. The dead are in a state of sleep, without awareness, until the resurrection. This view protects believers from spiritualistic deceptions, which often promote the idea of a conscious existence after death.
Similarly, in the New Testament, death is referred to as sleep. Jesus and the apostles teach that the dead rest until the resurrection at the end of time. This understanding shields Christians from false teachings and spiritualistic influences that attempt to establish communication with the dead.
In the end times, spiritism will play a significant role in deceiving people through false signs and wonders. These deceptions aim to divert believers from the truth of the Bible and make them susceptible to satanic influences. The Bible calls on Christians to remain vigilant and firm in their faith.
The hope of salvation is anchored in Christ, and Satan will do everything to destroy this hope. Through supernatural events and false miracles, he will try to distract people from the truth. Believers are called to keep God’s commandments and maintain their faith in Jesus to resist Satan’s deceptions and preserve the hope of Christ’s second coming.
This lesson emphasizes the dangers of spiritism and the biblical truth about death. Both the Old and New Testaments depict death as sleep, which protects believers from spiritualistic deceptions. Spiritism will intensify in the end times, but by firmly holding onto biblical truth and maintaining hope in Christ, believers can resist Satan’s deceptions.

The connection between Lesson 10 “Unmasking Spiritism” and our daily life and faith lies in the practical application of biblical truths and vigilance against spiritual deceptions. Here are the central points:
  1. Awareness of the Dangers of Spiritism: In everyday life, we should be aware that spiritistic practices and supernatural phenomena not aligned with the Bible are dangerous. These can impair our relationship with God and distract us from the true source of salvation.
  2. Adherence to Biblical Truth about Death: By accepting the biblical understanding of death as sleep until the resurrection, we protect ourselves from false teachings and spiritualistic influences. This knowledge helps us maintain the integrity of our faith and not be deceived by supposed ghost appearances or messages from the deceased.
  3. Vigilance and Spiritual Discipline: In daily life, this means spiritually strengthening ourselves through regular prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers. These disciplines help us discern what comes from God and what does not, and they bolster our ability to resist Satan’s deceptions.
  4. Trust in Salvation through Christ: Our hope and trust should be firmly anchored in salvation through Jesus Christ. This hope gives us the strength to remain steadfast in faith, even when faced with temptations and spiritual challenges.
  5. Avoidance of Spiritistic and Occult Practices: A practical aspect of our faith is to consciously stay away from all forms of spiritism and occultism. This includes not supporting books, movies, or activities that promote or trivialize such practices.
  6. Strengthening the Community of Believers: Fellowship with other believers offers protection and support. In difficult times, we can encourage and strengthen each other to remain in the truth and resist deceptions.
Lesson 10 teaches us to take the dangers of spiritism seriously and to know the biblical truth about death. In daily life, this means remaining vigilant, practicing spiritual discipline, placing our trust in Christ, and avoiding spiritistic practices. By these measures, we can preserve our faith and resist the deceptions of the end times.

Whoever firmly grounds their faith in the Word of God will be preserved by the truth and protection of Christ during the coming ‘hour of temptation.

1.What subtle spiritualistic influences might Satan be using to influence the mind? What role does mass media play?
Subtle Spiritistic Influences and the Role of Mass Media
Subtle Spiritistic Influences:
  1. Esoteric and Occult Themes: Books, films, and TV shows that glorify esotericism, astrology, witchcraft, and other occult practices can subtly introduce spiritistic influences into people’s lives. These themes often appear harmless or even fascinating but can open the mind to spiritistic ideas.
  2. New Age Philosophy: The spread of New Age philosophies, which combine elements from various spiritualistic teachings, can undermine belief in biblical truth. These teachings often emphasize the divinity of humans and the possibility of communicating with spirits or deceased souls.
  3. Meditation and Mindfulness Techniques: Some meditation and mindfulness practices, influenced by spiritistic or Eastern religious traditions, can lead people to be open to spiritual experiences that do not align with the Bible.
  4. False Religious Teachings: Within religion, teachings that do not align with biblical truth can influence faith and spiritual perception. Examples include teachings about life after death that contradict the biblical view or the emphasis on signs and wonders without biblical foundation.
The Role of Mass Media:
  1. Movies and Series: Hollywood and other film industries regularly produce movies and series with spiritistic themes. These media products often portray ghosts, demons, reincarnation, and other spiritistic concepts as exciting or normal, making them more familiar and acceptable to audiences.
  2. News and Documentaries: Mass media can also promote belief in spiritistic phenomena through news and documentaries about paranormal events, near-death experiences, and spiritistic practices. These reports create an impression of credibility and scientific investigation, even though they are often speculative.
  3. Music and Pop Culture: Pop music, music videos, and other elements of pop culture frequently incorporate spiritistic symbols and themes. These subtle messages can influence the subconscious and open the mind to spiritistic ideas.
  4. Social Media and the Internet: Platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok spread content that popularizes spiritistic practices and beliefs. Influencers and content creators share their experiences and views on spiritistic topics, reaching particularly young and impressionable audiences.
Satan uses subtle spiritistic influences to affect people’s minds by spreading esoteric themes, New Age philosophies, meditation practices, and false religious teachings. The mass media play a crucial role in popularizing and normalizing these themes through movies, series, news, music, and social media. To resist these influences, it is important to remain vigilant, know the biblical truth, and strengthen oneself spiritually.
2.How would you share your faith with a friend who just lost a loved one and believed that this person was in heaven? What is appropriate to say, and what is not appropriate?
When talking to a friend who has lost a loved one and believes they are in heaven, it is important to be sensitive, compassionate, and respectful. Here are some tips on how to conduct this conversation:
Appropriate Approach:
  1. Show Compassion and Support: Start the conversation by expressing your condolences and showing empathy. It is important for your friend to feel understood and supported.
    • Example: “I’m so sorry you’re going through this difficult time. I can’t imagine how painful it must be for you.”
  2. Listen Actively: Let your friend talk about their feelings and memories of the deceased person. Be a patient listener and do not interrupt.
    • Example: “Tell me more about [Name of the deceased person]. What made them so special to you?”
  3. Gently Share Your Faith: If the opportunity arises, you can share your faith, but do so in a way that is not preachy or dismissive of their beliefs.
    • Example: “In my faith, I find comfort in the hope of Christ’s return and the resurrection of the dead. It brings me peace to know that we will be reunited one day.”
  4. Focus on Hope and Comfort: Offer hope and comfort that are anchored in the Bible, without directly contradicting your friend’s beliefs.
    • Example: “One of the promises that brings me a lot of comfort is that Jesus will come again and raise those who have died in Him. This hope of reunion gives me a lot of strength.”
  5. Offer Practical Support: Ask how you can help your friend during this difficult time. Sometimes practical help is just as important as spiritual comfort.
    • Example: “If there’s anything I can do for you – running errands or just being here for you – please let me know.”
What Not to Say:
  1. Avoid Dogmatic Corrections: It is not the right time to lecture your friend or question their beliefs. This could be perceived as insensitive and disrespectful.
    • Example: Avoid saying “You’re wrong, the dead are not in heaven” or “Your belief is not biblical.”
  2. Do Not Be Condescending or Preachy: Avoid a tone that comes across as a sermon or implies you have all the answers.
    • Example: Avoid saying “You just need to believe what the Bible says” or “It’s important that you understand the correct doctrine.”
  3. Do Not Minimize Their Pain: Avoid statements that downplay your friend’s grief or loss.
    • Example: Avoid saying “They’re in a better place” or “You should be happy they’re in heaven.”
When talking to a friend who has lost a loved one and believes they are in heaven, it is crucial to show compassion and support, listen actively, and gently share your faith. Focus on hope and comfort rooted in the Bible and offer practical support. Avoid dogmatic corrections, condescending or preachy tones, and minimizing your friend’s pain. By approaching the conversation with respect and empathy, you can provide valuable support to your friend during this difficult time.

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