8 min 5 mths

8.6 Summary
The Sanctuary: Center of Redemption and Intercession
Lesson 8, “Light from the Sanctuary,” emphasizes the importance of Jesus’ ministry as the High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary. By considering Hebrews 10:9–14 and Hebrews 6:19–20, it becomes clear that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His subsequent intercession in the heavenly sanctuary are inseparably linked. While earthly priests had to offer repeated sacrifices, Jesus, through His single sacrifice, completely eliminated sin and paved the way for eternal reconciliation. His invitation to follow Him leads to a discovery of hope, security, and the significance of His mediatory service in the heavenly sanctuary. Judgment plays an essential role in the plan of salvation by revealing God’s justice and mercy and deciding the eternal fate of individuals. Overall, the lesson illustrates how Jesus’ service as our High Priest brings the light of salvation into our lives and reconciles us with God.

The connection between Jesus’ service for us in judgment and our daily lives and faith is fundamental. Jesus, as our High Priest, advocates for us by pointing to our repentance and faith and seeking forgiveness on our behalf. He presents us before God, arguing that we are marked and justified through Him, through His wounded hands and His sacrifice on the cross.
This reality should lead to humility and self-examination as we become aware that in God’s eyes, we are like people in dirty clothes. Those who truly seek cleansing and purification recognize their own sinfulness and place their hope in Christ as their only righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.
Therefore, our daily lives and faith are shaped by the acknowledgment of this truth. We should constantly be aware of the need to humble ourselves, confess our sins, and show genuine repentance while trusting in Christ as our sole advocate and Savior. This realization should lead us to a life characterized by humility, repentance, and trust in God’s grace as we rely on Christ as our mediator and redeemer.

God judges not by what we have been, but by what we could be if we follow His call.

1.What emotions are stirred by the thought of Jesus holding up His wounded hands for us before the Father? Why is this our only hope in judgment?
The idea of Jesus holding up His wounded hands for us before the Father evokes a variety of emotions within us. Firstly, we may feel gratitude as we consider Jesus’ willingness to sacrifice Himself for us and even present His own wounds before God. This notion can also evoke humility as we realize how much Jesus loves us and advocates for us, despite our imperfections and sinfulness. It can also inspire a sense of awe and admiration for Jesus’ sacrificial spirit and dedication.
This notion is our only hope in judgment because Jesus stands as our advocate before God. His wounded hands are a constant reminder of His love, His sacrifice, and His willingness to intercede for us. In judgment, we cannot rely on our own merits but only on the grace and mercy of God mediated through Jesus Christ. His intercession is our only hope that we can stand before God and experience His love and forgiveness.

2.We live on the Day of Atonement. Atonement is God’s work to save lost sinners. So why should a day dedicated to God’s work of saving sinners be good news?
The Day of Atonement is a day dedicated to God’s work of saving lost sinners. It is a day when God’s mercy and love are highlighted in a special way. This fact alone should be good news for us because it shows that God is actively working to save us and give us a new chance, despite our mistakes and sins.
The Day of Atonement is a reminder that God has not given up on us but is willing to forgive us and reconcile with us. It is a time of hope and comfort because we know that God loves us and offers us a chance to renew our relationship with Him.
Furthermore, the Day of Atonement shows that God’s saving work is an ongoing process that manifests even in our time. It is a day of promise and expectation that God continues to be with us to guide, teach, and redeem us.
Overall, the Day of Atonement is good news because it reminds us that God is faithful and never gives up on us. It is a time of hope and renewal that encourages us to hold onto God’s love and mercy, no matter how far we may have strayed from Him.

3.Consider what Ellen White wrote: “Christ alone can make an effectual plea for us. He is able to silence the accuser with arguments that are not to be repelled; for they are His own.” (Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, January 2, 1908). How can you make this hope your own?
The hope expressed in this statement is crucial for our faith and personal relationship with God. To make this hope our own, we can take several steps:
  1. Believe in Christ as our Advocate: We should firmly believe that Jesus Christ is our only advocate before God. His sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection give us the assurance that He has the authority and power to intercede for us and protect us from accusations.
  2. Trust in God’s grace and mercy: Instead of relying on our own merits, we should rely on God’s grace and mercy. We can trust that God forgives us out of love and accepts us when we come to Him in repentance and confess our sins.
  3. Renew our relationship with Christ: By deepening our relationship with Christ and remembering His sacrifice on the cross daily, we can strengthen our hope in His intercession. Through prayer, reading the Bible, and fellowship with other believers, we can strengthen our connection to Christ and trust in His power as our advocate.
  4. Live in accordance with God’s will: Finally, we can make this hope our own by striving to live a life that aligns with God’s will. By turning away from sin and striving for holiness, we demonstrate our trust in Christ and His ability to protect us from accusations.
By following these steps and consciously choosing to place our hope in Christ as our Advocate, we can have the assurance that we are justified and loved in God’s eyes.

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