7 min 7 mths

2.4 Declare His Glory Among the Nations
The Diversity of Worship: Singing, Praising, and Evangelizing Among the Nations
Read Psalm 96. What diverse aspects of worship are mentioned in this Psalm?
Psalm 96 mentions various aspects of worship, encompassing a wide range of actions and attitudes:
  1. Singing and Praising: The Psalm begins with a call to sing a new song to the Lord and praise His name (Verses 1-2). Singing and praising are fundamental expressions of worship that convey the joy and gratitude of the heart.
  2. Proclamation of God’s Glory: The Psalm encourages telling of the glory and greatness of God (Verses 3-4). This includes recounting God’s wonderful deeds to others and proclaiming His praise.
  3. Bringing Gifts: It is noted to bring gifts to the temple of God (Verse 8). This can be understood as a symbolic gesture of devotion and worship by offering the best of one’s possessions to the Lord.
  4. Evangelism and Proclamation of the Kingdom of God: An important aspect of worship in Psalm 96 is the evangelistic dimension, which involves proclaiming the Gospel among other nations (Verses 2-3, 10). Worship is not only intended for one’s own people but also serves to lead others to worship the Lord.
  5. Expectation and Hope for God’s Judgment: The Psalm speaks of the expectation of God’s judgment at the end of time (Verses 10-13). This judgment is understood as the restoration of divine order of peace, justice, and well-being in a world currently burdened by injustice and suffering.
  6. Holy Fear and Reverence: Despite the joy and confidence in worship, the importance of holy fear and reverence before the Lord is emphasized (Verses 4, 9). Worship should be accompanied by a deep reverence and respect for God.
In summary, Psalm 96 shows that worship is not limited to a particular action or attitude but is diverse and encompasses various dimensions, including praise, evangelism, devotion, hope, and reverence for God.
Compare this Psalm with the Three Angels’ Messages (Revelation 14:6–12). In what ways does it teach the same fundamental truths as this end-time message that we are to proclaim to the world?
Psalm 96 and the Three Angels’ Messages in Revelation 14:6–12 indeed share some fundamental truths and themes presented in end-time proclamation. Here are some parallels:
  1. The Call to Worship God: Both Psalm 96 and the Three Angels’ Messages call upon people to worship God. Psalm 96 encourages singing a new song to the Lord and praising His name, while the first angel’s message calls on people to fear God, give Him glory, and worship Him who made heaven, earth, sea, and springs of water (Revelation 14:7).
  2. Proclamation of God’s Glory: Both texts emphasize the importance of telling of God’s glory and greatness. In Psalm 96, there is a call to tell others about God’s wonderful deeds, while the first angel’s message proclaims that “the hour of His judgment has come” (Revelation 14:7), pointing to divine power and sovereignty.
  3. The Message of the Gospel to All Nations: Psalm 96 includes the evangelistic dimension of worship, which involves proclaiming the Gospel among other nations. Similarly, the second angel’s message in Revelation 14:8 announces that Babylon has fallen and calls for turning away from its false teachings and accepting the true Gospel.
  4. Expectation of God’s Judgment: Both texts speak of the expectation of God’s judgment. Psalm 96 mentions that the Lord is coming to judge the earth (Verse 13), while the third angel’s message in Revelation 14:9–11 warns of the coming judgment upon those who worship the beast and its image and receive its mark.
  5. The Importance of Sanctification and Holding to God’s Commandments: Psalm 96 emphasizes the need to worship in holiness and fear before the Lord. Likewise, the third angel’s message in Revelation 14:12 stresses the importance of sanctification and holding to God’s commandments.
Overall, both Psalm 96 and the Three Angels’ Messages teach fundamental truths about worshiping God, proclaiming the Gospel, expecting judgment, and the importance of sanctification in the end times. Both messages remind people to fear God, give Him glory, and proclaim His Gospel while pointing to the coming judgment and the necessity of sanctification.

The connection between Psalm 96 and our daily lives, as well as our faith, lies in the practical application of the fundamental truths presented in this Psalm and in the Three Angels’ Messages. Here are some aspects of this connection:
  1. Worship as a Lifestyle: Both Psalm 96 and the Three Angels’ Messages teach us that worship is not limited to specific religious actions or rituals but should be a way of life. In our daily lives, we should glorify God through our singing, praising, evangelizing, and dedication to Him. This means that our work, relationships, and entire conduct should be characterized by our love and devotion to God.
  2. Evangelization as a Commission: Both texts emphasize the necessity of proclaiming the Gospel to all nations. This reminds us that it is our responsibility to tell others about God’s love, His glory, and His coming judgment. We should not hesitate to share the Gospel in our daily interactions and conversations and invite people to worship and serve God.
  3. Expectation of Judgment and Sanctification: Both Psalm 96 and the Three Angels’ Messages speak of the expectation of God’s coming judgment and the necessity of sanctification. This reminds us that we should strive for holiness in our daily lives by separating ourselves from sin and worldliness and submitting ourselves to God in our thoughts, speech, and actions. The expectation of judgment should also motivate us to live a life of reverence and obedience to God.
  4. Joy and Confidence in Worship: Both Psalm 96 and the Three Angels’ Messages speak of the joy and confidence associated with worshiping God. This joy should be visible in our daily lives as it is a testimony to God’s transformative power in our lives. Even in the midst of difficulties and challenges, we should have the joy and confidence that come from the assurance that God is sovereign and will ultimately triumph.
Overall, the connection between Psalm 96 and the Three Angels’ Messages shows that the fundamental truths of worship, evangelization, expectation of judgment, and sanctification are relevant to our daily lives and faith. By practicing and living out these truths, we can glorify God and carry His message of love and hope into the world.

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