7 min 9 mths

Lesson 2: Teach Us to Pray
Lesson 2 delves into a deeper understanding and application of the Psalms in our daily spiritual lives. It encourages utilizing the diversity of the Psalms to find comfort, guidance, and inspiration in various life phases. By reading, reflecting, and praying the Psalms, believers are encouraged to bring their own situations before God and recognize the timeless relevance of these biblical texts for personal growth in faith. The lesson also underscores the importance of a Christ-centered approach and intercession for others to foster a deeper connection with God and the faith community.
2.1 Promoting the Use of Psalms in Prayer
Read Psalm 105:5, Colossians 3:16, and James 5:13. What role do the Psalms play in the worship experience of believers?
Psalm 105:5: “Remember his wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he uttered.”
This verse encourages remembering God’s wonders and deeds. The Psalms play a crucial role in worship, prompting believers to praise God’s works and express gratitude.
Colossians 3:16: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
This verse emphasizes the significance of Psalms in the life of the community. Believers are urged to teach and admonish one another using Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, fostering both personal and communal worship.
James 5:13: “Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise.”
This highlights the versatility of Psalms, suitable not only for times of joy but also for times of sorrow and suffering. Psalms provide expressions for various emotions and experiences, serving as living prayer templates for believers in different life situations.
How should we read the Psalms?
  1. Read the Psalm and Reflect:
    • Begin with a calm reading of the Psalm. Take time to let the words resonate without rushing.
    • Pay attention to how the psalmist addresses God. Notice the language, tone, and emotions expressed in the Psalm.
    • Reflect on the various aspects of the Psalm, whether it’s praise, gratitude, lament, repentance, or supplication.
  2. Pray:
    • Use the Psalm as a starting point for your prayer. Utilize the psalmist’s words to express your own thoughts and feelings before God.
    • Consider why the psalmist chose these words and how they might also reflect your relationship with God.
    • Contemplate the reasons for prayer presented in the Psalm, incorporating these aspects into your own prayers.
  3. Reflect on the Relationship between Your Situation and the Psalm:
    • Consider how your current life situation connects with the experiences of the psalmist.
    • Reflect on how the Psalm might help you articulate your own thoughts, feelings, and prayers.
    • Pay attention to how the timeless themes in the Psalm are also applicable to your life.
  4. Correct False Hopes:
    • If the Psalm challenges you, think about whether it corrects false hopes or expectations regarding your current experience.
    • Consider the message of the Psalm in light of the person and redemptive work of Christ. Reflect on the long-term hope given to us through Christ.
  5. Seek New Motives for Prayer:
    • Discover new motives for prayer provided by the Psalm. Note how the Psalm touches on different aspects of life and faith.
    • Ponder the significance of these motives for you personally, your community, and the world.
  6. Intercession:
    • If the Psalm relates to someone you know, intercede for that person. Use the concerns of the Psalm as a basis for your prayers for others.
This approach promotes active and personal engagement with the Psalms, leading to a enriching spiritual experience.
What does “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly” (Colossians 3:16) mean? Why is reading the Bible the first and most important step for this experience?
The directive to let the word of Christ dwell in believers richly signifies that the teachings and truths found in the New Testament scriptures, especially in the words and actions of Christ, should deeply penetrate the lives and community of believers. Here are some reasons why reading the Bible is considered the first and most crucial step for this experience:
  1. Revelation of God:
    • The Bible is the divine revelation where God communicates with humanity. Reading the Bible provides believers with insight into God’s character, His will, and His ways.
  2. Knowledge of Christ:
    • The word of Christ specifically refers to the teachings and personality of Jesus Christ. Reading the Gospels and other New Testament writings helps believers learn more about Jesus and His message.
  3. Teaching and Admonition:
    • The verse encourages mutual teaching and admonition. Reading the Bible allows believers to gain spiritual insights that can be shared within the community. The Bible serves as a foundation for teaching and admonition among believers.
  4. Community in Worship:
    • The verse also underscores the importance of Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Reading the Bible, especially Psalms, inspires worship and enables believers to collectively express gratitude to God.
  5. Internalization and Transformation:
    • Regularly reading the Bible leads to the indwelling of God’s Word in the hearts of believers. It goes beyond passive reading, involving the internalization and application of biblical principles in daily life.
  6. Spiritual Growth:
    • The Bible is an instrument for spiritual growth. Through reading and reflecting on the Scriptures, believers can deepen their relationship with God and develop a mature spiritual perspective.
  7. Alignment with Christ:
    • Reading the Bible helps believers align their thinking and actions with the standards of Christ. It serves to confront the worldview with the values of the Kingdom of God.
Overall, reading the Bible is the first and most important step to let the word of Christ dwell richly within, as it forms the basis for faith, promotes spiritual growth, and strengthens the community of believers. It is a means through which God speaks to His people, guiding them in their journey of faith.

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